November 28, 2011 – May 28, 2012
I will be taking a group of people deep into Kaivalya (the silent depths of the Transcendent.) This six-month program will be very inward, including extensive meditation and mantras.
If you would like to join this course for a shorter time, you may do so if you begin the course on November 28, and stay for at least two weeks. No one will be allowed to join the course after November 28.
The Deep Dive Course fee is $1,000 per month for any participant staying three months or longer. Other options are available.
If you would like to do a Mount Soma Personal Program during these six months, you may but your program will likely be different from these course participants. The Personal Program prices are $434.00/week or $1670.00/month. Course tuition includes room and board.
Party time in the transcendental!!! Yeay. Thank you, Brahmarishi for this golden opportunity!