The unenlightened state is really just a state of denial. If you could just be completely honest with yourself, you would Know the Truth immediately. You only choose to be deceived to perpetuate your bogus desires and convictions.
Just as the wisp of cloud shrouds the magnificence of the sun, so too does that which you cling to overshadow the grandeur of your true nature.
“We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Very interesting you posted this today, Brahmarshi. Just the other day I read another quote from Goethe which translates to something like this: “What is the hardest to do? — That which seems the easiest to you: To see with your eyes, what is in front of your eyes.”
To your comment above “The unenlightened state is really just a state of denial. If you could just be completely honest with yourself, you would Know the Truth immediately.” I guess denial and honesty have a more encompassing (i.e. trangradient) meaning here that includes the physiology (cellular level) and other levels of being? In other words you can’t get there only through reflection even though it helps a lot, right? The denial is embedded in one’s cellular structure, heart, mind, etc. So one would have to get “honest” on all those levels of being in order to shine light on the denial. That’s the hard part I think. And that’s probably my denial part speaking right there… 🙂
This has got me pondering. Brahmarshi, could you please relate this / tie it into samskaras and karma? Also, “state of denial” vs. self deception. Thank you!
The devil is that which tries to do us ill, but ends up doing only good.
had to read it in German during college. lol
You can say that again. and again. and again.
Maya is a maze of denial.
Thank you for shining the light and calling out the way back to the center.
Much gratitude for your continued mirroring of the truth…
Happy Holidays Mount Soma!!!
Marion I was feeling a lot of what you were sharing. Happy Holidays everyone. Jai Guru Dev.
What beautiful comments… Yes Marion, it is in the physiology… and yes Doug, they are called samskaras which are karmic which create a “state of denial” which is self deception… and yes Steve A., that which sets you free is perceived by the deceiver as the enemy… and yes Steve M, Maya is a maze of denial.
Thank you for this….after just a moment of sitting with it, I felt a soft sweetness that seemed so familiar, like a loved one sending me a message after being away for a long time.
Beautiful Brahmarshi and everyone else. Thank you Marion for helping me to feel more deeply into this blog.
Jai Guru Dev
Such a cool blog and comments. I’ve been pondering, “If you could just be completely honest with yourself, you would Know the Truth immediately. You only choose to be deceived to perpetuate your bogus desires and conviction.” I look at my emotional responses to circumstances, and know there are underlying faulty convictions I’m clinging to, like the fear of being “wrong” (pride, or fear of punishment?) or ideals I hang onto about how life “should be”.
Fear of letting go of the delusions is the greatest deception, and it’s totally internal down to the cellular level. There is an odd sense of security in those faulty convictions and desires; they’re familiar, even if they’re a familiar source of pain!
Thanks for all the wonderful thought and heart stimulating blogs and comments.