Entrepreneur.com published another one of my articles (this is the 11th!):
“Do This to Be as Successful as Henry Ford (Among Others)”
If you would like to share the article, please use the links below rather than sharing from the article itself.
Each of these sentences is a nugget of wisdom worthwhile for me to incorporate into my life:
“…Learn to resonate with the truth in more than one paradigm simultaneously; it provides deeper insight. Wisdom is aligning with the paradigm that best suits the moment. Creativity transcends paradigm identity.”
I appreciate the depth of understanding the article provides and your ability to express that understanding so clearly.
What other successful spiritual centers are out there? How do they succeed too? Seems to me the paradigm of marketing phones, computers and cars is different than marketing a spiritual practice, religion, temple, or church. Arnold is different with becoming a politician guess. Hardly a spiritual role model with his latest venture selling Mobile Strike, a war game app.