All of the confusion, superstition and distortions around the notion of God have lead people to deny the existence of God. I do not believe in the distortions, superstitions and confused notions either.
Do you believe in science? Science tells us there is a unified field… one thing out of which all things are born and all things are in their essence. Just assign the name “God” to that one thing. Then, if you do not believe in God, you do not believe in science. Of course, the scientific understanding of the unified field is still in its infancy. As you deepen your understanding of that Unified Field, you will deepen your understanding of God. As a physics and math major in undergraduate school, the son of an electrical engineer, and the brother of a PhD in physics, what I discovered in my rational approach to that understanding opened me to remarkable realizations.
To the rationalists out there, I do not ask you to abandon your rationality. I ask you to use it to investigate that rational sequence for yourself. It may well test your own affinity to dogma, though you may currently not think of it as dogma.
Perhaps you prefer to not even consider this. The choice is yours but the potential is enormous.
I am still not completely sure why I get so excited when I read your blogs Brahmarshi..especially the one’s on this topic directly. On that deeper level you speak of..the words seem to vibrate. I do only my best to understand the meaning of the vast amount of knowledge you share with us. I consider myself a fairly simple man on the surface and do not attempt to appear smarter than I am however I feel such a distinct clarity at my depths and feel great understanding there. This will be yet another blog that I will print and share with my clients. I feel that if more people could open up and allow this in…well..amazing to even imagine!
Thank you for so much
“I feel such a distinct clarity at my depths and feel great understanding there.” Those are beautiful words from you. Everyone senses Divinity at their depth… all knowledge, perfect clarity, unbounded wisdom, etc. You put is so sweetly, so sincerely.
I love this line:
“The choice is yours but the potential is enormous.”
That’s your tagline. 🙂
~ The Ontological Proof for the Existence of God ~
( Or why I dropped my Philosophy degree… )
As a junior in college, philosophy major, I read this Proof by Anselm, and Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Kant, the major Theosophists, the Gnostics and some obscure unknown Franciscan monks from the 8th or 9th century. (There sure is a long list of great thinkers on the subject…)
And then, Voila! In less than half a page, a few Franciscan monks, nailed it, sweetly and beautifully – they established the Proof. There it was! All these years and debates and someone over a thousand years ago, laid it out in a self-evident and rational context. Wow! ( And today, I can’t remember their names… )
I eagerly went to my next philosophy class only to find that the professor and students intended to continue this debate for the rest of the semester…
Ugh. Dissapointed and saddened, I walked out and never returned to formal philosophy. I wanted the beauty, the poetry, the inspiration, the relevance.
How is it that we can function in daily life, relying on a multitude of events and phenomena for which we have absoltuely no Proof exist or will reliably respond to our needs in the way we expect or hope – yet we ignore the most fundamental obvious Proof for God …?
The there was the broadway play Proof I just happened to be in town for… It was based on a mathematicians struggle with apparent madness because he could not find a Proof for the Love he felt for his departed wife and living daughter… ( He needed Proof for the love he felt… )
And…in more recent years, you Brhamarshi, lead me to Georg Cantor – the Mathematician and his famous Proofs. (Smiling…)
I expect there are a number of Proofs and a thousand arguments for and against.
Perhapst a large part of the challenge is how or that we attempt to “define” God ..?
Are we simply feeling resistance to putting a “Finite” frame around something that is inherenetly “Infinite” …transcendent …? 😉
Perhaps the hardened atheists, existentialists, scientists, etc are simply resisting for that reason. Perhaps they are the more pure adherant to the razors edge among a sea of believers.
Perhaps deep down, they, and I, do not want the granduer of the divine collapsed down to a mere name, word.
Perhaps proving the existence of God is really more about the Search to know God, the divine, the infinite within…and the beauty that process reveals…?
(Just thinking out loud…and feeling my longing.)
Oops…I didn’t realize how much I had written until I pasted here. If you read, I will buy you a cup of coffee. 🙂
Billy…I read, I really like!…Sandra
Particularly in this day and age, the intellect demands satisfaction. But the deeper longing you refer to is never satisfied until the intellect is transcended.
It’s interesting isn’t it, that people can have such strong feelings, positive and negative, about the term God. Having been raised Catholic, and attending nine years of Catholic school, God was pretty much part of my daily existence as a child. As I’ve gotten older, opened my mind to new ways of looking at things, and distanced myself a bit from Catholicism, I realize the God I thought I knew, isn’t the one I know, or feel connected to, today. It is much more about spirituality, though I do wonder if I still don’t operate a bit on “blind faith”. Meaning, I have to believe that there is a higher power out there that guides us all. When I feel the stress that comes with everyday life (work, children, finances), it’s that faith that allows me to believe “this too shall pass”. Truthfully, some days I’m great at letting go, and some days, not so much. So, I don’t mind calling God, “God”, and I take comfort in exactly what you said that basically science shows us the way, or confirms things for us. That truly puts it all in perspective, I suspect.
@ Billy…I too read your whole post. I believe you and I had that same discussion one day at our house. Very interesting experience.
Brahmarshi’s explanation (Unified Field = God) is so simple that you think everyone would get it, especially scientists. But that word ‘God’ is super-sticky. The notions about what God is are so strong that most just can’t let them go. Very interesting. Thanks Brahmarshi for such clarity. You wield Occam’s Razor masterfully.
Your comment brought a smile to my face.
Yes, it is so simple.
And yes, notions are so strong… most just can’t let them go.
And yes Occam’s Razor… the simplest solution is the correct one.
It is so simple… so simple…