I have been asked to say more regarding my recent blog. I wrote the recent blog The Year of Change: More Upheaval Imminent, because I felt it would be irresponsible to not speak it out.
Earth changes for this time have been predicted by many people for years. Numerous other predictions about various things are offered in the media. Most I feel are silly and do not turn out to be true. However, I did (and do) feel things including earth changes, coming for 2011, will occur and felt the need to say so by calling it the Year of Change.
I found the responses to the blog fascinating. Interestingly enough, my concern that some would think I was fancying myself to be some sort of prophet appears to have been baseless.
In fact, overwhelmingly I received emails from people saying they were feeling the exact same way. Even more interesting, many if not most of those people, are living in California or Alaska or somewhere else along a major fault line.
This shouts out a very glaring question: “Why then are they still living there?”
Perhaps they just feel lucky – like it can’t happen to them. Veterans of WW2 say that was a common belief among many of the soldiers before they perished. Perhaps the momentum of their own karma overshadows their own good sense. It is a fascinating matter to reflect upon. Of course, these earth changes are not going to cover the earth, just local areas affecting only a fraction of the population.
My specific sense that June is a month where earthquakes could occur on the west coast is based, not only upon a feeling, but is also echoed by the idea that many long term residences of the area think of this time of year as “earthquake season.”
Note that as with all future events, we are just talking about statistical probabilities. However, the likelihood seems to be so high as to make it essentially inevitable this year.
If you do stay in such areas, some basic precautions make sense. Have extra food and water stored. That is a good idea anyway with food costs continuing to rise.
Also, keep in mind that in a larger sense, what is happening is a purging of negative energies that have been accumulating for a long time. It is a cleansing time.
To summarize, these are not my thoughts alone. This is the time that many have foreseen. However, unlike many predictions, statistically, the likelihood of this is very high. I feel this prediction will likely come to pass in 2011, The Year of Change.
It will lead to a new and more evolutionary way of thinking and living. Fantastic times are coming after the earth lets off some steam.
Aren’t you planning to spend a week with your family in California
after/before the June class?
I don’t know what is happening, I live in CA and the last week
my mind/body are having trouble resting as of late,
I seemed pegged at 11 on a 1 to 10 scale. Not sleeping well,
maybe it is closer than we think?
Forwarding this to Gaia who is living in Los Angeles. Thank you.
That ofcourse was my first thought as well regarding our class this summer.I am very much looking forward to meeting Tanja and the girls however if need be, Mount Soma will be a fabulous place for a meeting.
we are currently looking in to changing the June course dates…perhpas to early september. we will see.
Doug Copp has seen a lot of disasters, and makes one point.
During an earthquake, the traditional advice of “get under something” like a desk, doorjamb etc., is ill advised as that something will be compressed….along with the person.
However, the space right next to that object provides a “triangle of life” and being there vastly improves chances of survival. This works in cars under bridges as well – as he observed during the San Francisco earthquake.
2 minor points
In larger buildings, be near the periphery rather than the center…to increase the chances of crawling out of the rubble. And avoid stairs.
I very much appreciate the clarification. I am newer to the blog and read the warning, in a state of great upset over Japan – as a sort of end of the world scenario. I didn’t understand just what scale of catastrophe you were alluding to. I feel that earthquakes are always a possibility along the west coast fault lines and if it is considered that it might be more likely in June that is an understandable prediction. I live in Seattle, why do I live here? Always have, I call it home because of the people I know and love, the groups I belong to and how the city is like my child, grown up with me through these decades living here. I like the rain, the coolness, the bookiness, the beauty of and appreciation I have for sunlight when the sun does shine, the Universities and colleges I have attended, mountains, the lakes – Puget Sound just over the hill, and closeness to the ocean. I could move and live somewhere else but it would be a difficult move to accomplish.
The message that more upheaval is imminent needs to be said. Basic precautions? ABSOLUTELY! Personally, I’m going way beyond basic prep with all my liquid resources.
This is a time to be very wary of “normalcy bias” – – the tendency to assume things are going to continue as they have in the past in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. Just a quick glance at the headlines says that these are perilous times. Shock after shock to a sensitive economic and geo-political house of cards will have consequences, and those consequences are playing out RIGHT NOW. “Recovery”? Give me a break. It’s time to set aside the mundane concerns about day to day life that tend to dominate our lives and know that NOW is the time to make serious preparations for survival no matter what. Earthquake, economic collapse, disintegration of social order, food and fuel shortages, radiation, war, and a host of “black swan” potentials – – you name it – – all are far more likely than they have been in generations. I feel that this all ends well for those of us who make it through, but in the meantime I feel an urgency to not just make plans, but to make decisions and take immediate concrete steps. I’m not a doom and gloomer, but time is running out, IMHO.
Yes, if there are thunderclouds in the horizon it may rain soon. Not a time for fear or panic, just reasonable precaution. Those who prepare well will be fine and notice llittle effect in their personal lives