What does it mean to be reflective? Is it simply natural for everyone? Is it spontaneous? Or is it an art form? Are there obstacles to being truly reflective? Sometimes I think my favorite part of Easter is the movies shown on television. Currently, I am watching Barabbas. So many thoughts are evoked: How little people have changed through the ages. How rigidly people hold to the worldview they were born into. How self-righteously they judge all else accordingly. How certain they are of their perspective of what Jesus taught, of who He was, of who He is. How resistant they are to taking a deeper look at his words. How they mold his words to conform to their current worldview.
Let the word of this day be ‘humility’. If I were to tell you that you do not know everything, you would quickly agree. But do you live your life that way? The opposite of humility is judgment. Replace your judgment with discernment. Know that a major component of discernment is humility. Look beyond your horizon. Look your worldview directly in the eyes. Take a step back from it. Question it. Dare to see its limitations. Have the courage to not call your judgment by the name discernment.
In a word, consider that the essence of the teachings of Jesus is ‘freedom’. Freedom from what? Freedom from a limited and confined worldview. You have only to look beyond your current worldview. Yet those who believe they do so adhere to their newfound notions and judge accordingly.
Freedom through humility is the message of Easter. Yet it is not a philosophy or perspective. It is a state of physiology… a state of being. It cannot be taken on as a new set of clothes. As the centuries go by, humanity rearranges the same old furniture and calls it evolution. Yet the state of the psyche, the state of the psychophysiology, remains unchanged. Real freedom and humility is attained through true evolution. Aspire to that. Think big. You have the potential to unlock the deepest teaching of Jesus. But it is not a simplistic task. I implore you to look beyond your current horizon. It has the potential to reveal what has been called the Kingdom of Heaven.
Still watching Barabbas… a quote from the movie: “God said, Burn away your world and let a new one arise from the ashes.”
For clarity, we might insert the word “view” after the word “world”.
Great Easter message. I do find that my humility and receptivity to new ways of seeing things goes up and down according to how my physiology is. I think, over time, with regular Surya Ram Meditation and studying with you, I am more receptive and humble, but I still have further to go. Thank you for your patience with me, meanwhile.
There is so much to say in appreciation for your blog. Thank you. You have given meaning and spirit to the greeting “Happy Easter.” Your words resonate with my emotional response. Upon brief and immediate reflection I felt the comfort and freedom that comes from being humbled in the best use the word. You have pointed out the joyful irony of how much wisdom and freedom there is we reflect on the limits of our world view.
After further reflection, I must laugh at myself as I quickly realize my folly when I think, “good, now if people who read this can finally see their own narrow mindedness, maybe they’ll start thinking more like me.” Talk about the “I get it syndrome!” What a long way I have to go. The profundity of your message seems to be universal. Again, Thank you for the gift you have given all of us. Happy Easter.
Thank you Michaelji and thank you Shiva…
May the new phoenix rise from within the heart of humanity
Beginning with all those who are blessed by reading this…
Thank you again
Sublime…, “as right as rain…” my great grandmother would say. (Easter was her favorite.)
This is one of my favorites of the last several years. So beautiful and direct
Thank you Brahmarshi..I do feel that the world can and will spin slightly different..with your efforts..with all of our efforts..in our lifetime!