Emotion, Moon, and Music…
Intellect, Mercury, and Mathematics…
These are two sides of the same one coin. There is math in music and there is music in math.
What we think of as intelligence is more superficial than emotion. Yet the ‘intelligence’ underlying all existence, underlying emotions, wells up through the emotional level to give intelligence as we generally think of it. Reason is the junction between emotion and the more superficial intellect.
Healthy emotions are founded upon the human instrument staying in tune. This is a physiological quality that must be cultured. You can not expect a person to always stay in emotional balance, any more easily than you can expect a musical instrument to always stay in tune. However, a good indicator of emotional health is how quickly a person is able to come back in to balance.
You must culture your emotional physiology, just as you would condition your muscles to be healthy and strong. Otherwise, you will emotionally spin out when pressure is imposed. It is easy to be in balance when there is no pressure.
When you do go out of balance, do not view it as a flaw. View it as inspiration to culture your emotional physiology.
The greatest tool for this is proper meditation. Then comes discernment.
This is (as always) completely appropriate for my current cutting edge…
Really, really beautiful!
Thank you, Naomi
Two very simple lessons come to mind as I read #1-Always wait for your second response.#2- If you want to judge someone..judge them on their rate of recovery..not the mistake they made.It seems to me,the more I practice either one,the healthier my emotional physiology becomes.My daily meditations have most definitely supported this.I know because I have only been meditating for a couple of years and the awareness of the changes are clear.
There are no flaws just opportunities for healing…
As I get closer to the state of Love with a capital L.
My gratitude and appreciation for your’s and all the past master’s blazing of the trail extends to infinity…
It reminds me of an old song I used to hear/sing at church…
“Be not afraid. I go before you always.
Come, follow me, and I will give you rest.”
So, this is what a strawberry tastes like…
As I become more aware of my self on the different levels, I realize more and more how inspiring are your words. I always look forward to the subtle, gentle reminders of our humanity contained within each new post.
As I meditate, juggle balls and spin plates in harmony, I am fine. However, I seem to forget that those plates and balls will drop in some form or another and that’s just life. When I am lulled by the tranquility of meditation and harmony and I am abruptly awoken by the “sound” of the crashing plates and dropping balls then my emotions go way out of sync.
I appreciate the gentle reminder: “It is easy to be in balance when there is no pressure.” It gives perspective to the whole. I am grateful for the loving guidance to view my “out of balance” as an inspiration rather than a flaw.
As always, Thank you.
Beautifully expressed, written…excellent analogies.