
Title:  Enchantment’s Gift

Blurb: A Holiday Message for all People, all Creeds:  Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas

What is enchantment.

Why people turn their back to enchantment

world benefits from knowing history of christianity… parallels all religions.

The essential question: What Christ really knew?

“God loves us so much that he gave His only begotten son”:  what that really means

Is ‘faith’ a good thing?

What is a Christian?

On Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas

Gnostics and orthodox

Would UFOs or no miracles compromise religion.

rejection of religion is really a crying out for a deeper understanding one that makes sense and one that satisfies the heart and the mind.

 Rejection of the Gnostics, so long ago, resulted in abandonment of an essential part of Christianity

Celebrate diversity

The gift of kindness

Unity in midst of diversity.  vs   polarization via homogenization of perspective

harmony does not mean homogenization.. it mean cultural integrity and distinction in midst of honoring other peoples.

acknowledging distinctions of different subcultures without stirring it into one big culture.

“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”


stats contradict somewhat but USA is 70% christian though 45% say it should not be predominantly consider any one religion.  India is 80% hindu.  in USA, hindus and buddhists make up close to same percentage as jewish,

religion is not just spiritual.. it is also cultural… and like culturing a fine wine, it must not be mixed and remixed at will to form can exquisite product.  USA is cultured as christian.

Debated history of Christianity: In one way it matter tremendously.  In a deeper sense, it does not matter at all.

What happened or what people believe or do not believe about him?  well what really matters is the beautiful enchantment it enlivens in the hearts of those that allow it to, regardless of creeds.

Never underestimate the potential of enchantment, of love.  Once embraced,  enchantment heals all levels of life.

What is enchantment.

Why people turn their back to enchantment

world benefits from knowing history of christianity… parallels all religions.

The essential question: What Christ really knew?

“God loves us so much that he gave His only begotten son”:  what that really means

Is ‘faith’ a good thing?

What is a Christian?

On Love, Family, Enchantment, and Christmas

Gnostics and orthodox

Would UFOs or no miracles compromise religion.

rejection of religion is really a crying out for a deeper understanding one that makes sense and one that satisfies the heart and the mind.

 Rejection of the Gnostics, so long ago, resulted in abandonment of an essential part of Christianity

Celebrate diversity

The gift of kindness

Unity in midst of diversity.  vs   polarization via homogenization of perspective

harmony does not mean homogenization.. it mean cultural integrity and distinction in midst of honoring other peoples.

acknowledging distinctions of different subcultures without stirring it into one big culture.

“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”


stats contradict somewhat but USA is 70% christian though 45% say it should not be predominantly consider any one religion.  India is 80% hindu.  in USA, hindus and buddhists make up close to same percentage as jewish,

religion is not just spiritual.. it is also cultural… and like culturing a fine wine, it must not be mixed and remixed at will to form can exquisite product.  USA is cultured as christian.

Debated history of Christianity: In one way it matter tremendously.  In a deeper sense, it does not matter at all.

What happened or what people believe or do not believe about him?  well what really matters is the beautiful enchantment it enlivens in the hearts of those that allow it to, regardless of creeds.

Never underestimate the potential of enchantment, of love.  Once embraced,  enchantment heals all levels of life.

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