BEACHI received the following question:

I recently was talking to a friend who told me he knew of a man who claimed to know the secret of eternal life.Ā  I am confused as to what eternal life really is. Ā WouldĀ you be so kind as to give me his perspective on the true meaning of eternal life?

To which I respond:

In essence, everything, everyone is the unified field, which is eternal. Ā So in essence, everyone has eternal life. Ā The key is awakening to that level of your being.

Many claim to have the secret of that. Ā Very few do. Ā It is not just a technique or a science. Ā It is also an art. The art of working with others to facilitate their enlightenment. Many claim to be enlightened. Ā Very few are.

Eternal life of the physical body is another matter. Ā It is indeed possible. Ā The question is, even if you could, why would you aspire to it? Ā What is the motivation? In other words, ā€œWhy are you hereā€¦ really?ā€

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