The problem with the question is that it assigns absolute truth to the notion of time. Even in modern physics time is understood to be a manifestation. We would say an aspect of maya. When time is understood, then one sees beyond sequentiality and the question then dissolves away. The two are understood to be one and the same.
Within the illusion of time however, there is free will. Also, within that paradigm, karma sets in motion the wheels of the predetermined. With everything you’ve got, use your free will to follow your dharma and overcome your karma.
You are living within the dream. Only the tools of the dream can free you. A real tool is of no use within the dance of the dream. The only way out is through. Attempts to push away the tar baby, only further entangle you.
You will master the dream. It is only a matter of time.
note: you may like to look at the comments to the karma and dharma blog from a few days ago.
If time only exists in the relative, not in the absolute. And that means predetermination is in the relative, the more you meditate, the more free will you have?
Beautiful and encouraging. Thank you.
When you are truly Free, your will IS Gods Will. As you meditate, you live more and more in accord with your true nature. You merge with God. To live in harmony with your true nature is to live in harmony with Mother Nature. Your true nature and Mother Nature are one. It is called spiritual LIBERATION for good reason. See?
Yes, thank you!
Yes, Thank you.
I hadn’t visited the blog for a while. Reading the postings after a time away, it takes me down under into my bigger reality self that I am always forgetting about. A peaceful – it’s OK – to my day to day struggling. The photos are all so equally wonderful. You and Tanja are such a devine team.
In the crazyness of my life I do meditate semi-regularly formally. And from time to time through the day. It is the same, a feeling of going down into myself that also takes me up out of myself if I stick with it. Seems like all is contradiction.
The tar-baby… need to go through it. I liked that.