Someone sent this interview of Dr. David Price to me. Finally a front line expert who makes sense? Is this the voice of wise experience, or just another opinion? We all can decide for ourselves. He said that 99% of the time, the virus is transmitted via hands. And if I may say so, I have promoted this approach to basic hygiene for many years, as my students know, and not just regarding this particular virus, but as simple common sense hygiene preventing many contagious diseases… basic microbiology 101. I do not like shaking hands. I do not approve of hugging all sorts of people. Wash hands especially after touching public door knobs, etc. etc. Dr. Price said the exposure must be prolonged and in a closed small room to catch the virus via airborne. I know, I know, this doctor appeared on a TV station that many refuse to watch. But this is about what the doctor said and not about the channel. I would add that for some time doctors have said that people catch colds in winter, not because it is cold outside, but rather because people stay indoors confined to a closed area for a prolonged period of time. What does that say about the stay at home shut down policy? Could that be why states that reverse the restrictions have the incidence of the the virus go down?
I am 71 years old. RN for 30 years. I have been coughed on, spit on, sneezed at, vomited on and peed on. I have hugged and kissed all sorts of humans and animals, and I love a good handshake. I am still here, have never had a vaccine and have never had the flu. I have been washing my hands whenever needed all my life, and keep my mitts out of my face. I believe in staying home if I’m ill. Seems to me many have no idea how their immune system works or what viruses are nor how they act. Concerning this latest debacle, if anyone still thinks this is about a virus you are just plain ignorant and need to do some research before the whole country goes down the proverbial tubes. This may be too much information and if you don’t feel comfortable posting this, I understand. I’m just tired of tiptoeing around certain issues.
I have heard from a couple people who feel that the doctor is wrong and that the virus is more communicable via airborne than he said. I hope that everyone understands that is the point: Different ‘experts’ with different opinions. I expound upon that in the podcast made earlier today that should be posted soon. Listen to all the diverse perspectives, reflect, ponder, stay flexible, do not rely on one source.
Hi Heidi,
It is good to hear from you. Comments and opinions, as you well know, are certainly all over the place right now. I very much respect what you have to say, and isn’t the diversity of opinions amazing? My purpose with the Corona virus blogs and podcasts is not to give a definitive perspective, but rather to help people navigate the waters of multiple perspectives involving all matters of life. The depth of your experience speaks for itself. I’m not here to take sides, but rather to help people move past their resistance to anything other than their current perspective. May your comment assist them in that process, regardless of whether they agree or disagree.