2011 will continue to be The Year of Change as predicted.


The dominos will continue to fall as oppressive leaders will continue to be ousted.


There will be more transitions of government in the short term than we have seen in any decade in modern history.  The proverbial cat is out of the bag.  Millions of previously silent individuals will not stop until they have a just government.


These short term changes could make for quite rough circumstances, but long term the changes WILL be for the better.


The effect of the technological boom (internet, cell phones, etc.) will be the catalyst that brings about a great transition to a better world.


However, remember that the foundation of this and any real change only arises from a shift in consciousness.  The unified field is the only source of real change.


Of course, though some call it the unified field, others prefer to call it the soul or essence of our being, while others refer to this underlying essence of life and existence as God.


The depth of your understanding, your level of wisdom, matters far more than the word you choose.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.