God created this world, the field of Karma. View it as a game.
Once he created the game for you to play, his role immediately became that of a coach. His role is not punitive; it is purely supporting and loving.
His only interest is for you to succeed at the game, to master your life, to become an expert at navigating the waters of the field of karma… of this world.
God is not wrathful, God is love.
Awesome, that is beautiful way of understanding, It really helps me. Thank You.
Jai Guru Dev
You could say God’s will comes in two forms
1] Karmic ‘will’. The laws of karma [action. i.e. cause and effect] already set in motion long long ago with the birth of creation
2] Dharmic ‘will’. The gravitation of ‘all that is’ back to Oneness, Back to the Unified Field, back to God, back to your true nature.
There is only Karma and Dharma… nothing more. Your bondage is your karma. Your freedom is your Dharma. It is not always easy for you to tell them apart. Just because you feel free, does not mean that you are. To live in freedom, to live your true nature, to live your dharma, become free of your karma.
Reading this makes me realize the physiological ways in which I am identified with the notion of a punitive God.