This exercise is taken from the Unconditioned Spirit Workbook. It will help you see the divinity in yourself and others. It’s fun and you can easily do it throughout the day—in line at the bank, the grocery store, at the airport or anyplace where you can watch people and you have some time to spare.
- Feel into your physical body. How does it feel? Allow yourself to rest in your body.
- Now feel more deeply into yourself, into what some may call the soul. Feel into the part that is exquisite, of pure intent, and divine. Allow that part to well up and permeate your being. Fully innocent.
- Look at others and feel that part of them that is exquisite, of pure intent, and divine. Fully innocent. See it in their faces, their eyes, and how they hold their body.
- Now feel your sadness and your fears, your frustration and disappointment. Feel how it has affected your body—tight, weary, or agitated. Feel into this aspect of yourself that may be referred to as the wound.
- Look at others and see their sadness and their fears, their frustration and disappointment. See how it has affected their body—tight, weary, or agitated. Feel into this aspect of them that may be referred to as the wound. See it in their faces and their eyes and how they hold their body.
- Now go back to feeling your divinity—the part that is exquisite, of pure intent, and fully innocent. And now look at others. See the divinity in them.
- Notice that you can shift back and forth at will between seeing your and others’ divinity and seeing everyone’s wound.
Your conditioning determines your perspective. What you see in others is more about you, than about them. Adhering to any one perspective is limiting.
Dear Michael,
This is a perfect time to once again thank you for writing your bog. I read them all and let them swirl and find their place within in. Sometimes I put them on like a coat… take them off … put them back on again. The action alone seems to loosen things up. (I see this as a good thing.)
This one is more like a jungle gym. You have designed an apparatus in which I can swing in many directions from pole to pole. What fun and there’s the added benefit of discovering my own edges and the invitation to move beyond them. Bravo.
A special thanks for numbering each step ‘1’. I can only imagine your reason for doing this but it feels like genius to me.
With appreciation and best wishes, Gloria