We have begun broadcasting live on YouTube. Initially, it was done only for the Advanced Techniques Course follow-ups. However, it has been so enjoyable that we are also going to be doing broadcasts for everyone. The first broadcast for everyone will be this Saturday, September 30th at 11:30am EDT. It will be the final gathering of this year’s Mother Divine Retreat at Mount Soma. You will be able to watch the recording after the live showing, so no need to be concerned if you are busy at the time of the live broadcast.
The live streaming will appear on my YouTube home page.
If you are watching live, you can email in questions to doug@mountsoma.org. If you have your own YouTube channel set up (instructions here), you may also use the chat feature to ask questions.
The format will, as usual, be freeform. Among other things, the question of how to attain clarity in the complexities of life will be discussed. Enjoy!
Such good news!
Thank you.
Awesome. Look forward to it.
Yeah! Looking forward to it.
Fantastic…tuning in!