With all the debate about gun control going on, have you considered the topic from the perspective of Vedic knowledge? What should be done? Outlaw guns? Tighten regulations? Stricter penalties for violations?
Imagine the world to be a pot of water. A fire burns beneath it. It inevitably boils over. To prevent it from boiling over, would it make sense to attack the bubbles? Laws against bubbles would have no net effect. Take away the guns and they will use knives or bombs. Doesn’t it make more sense to turn down the fire? With all the fire, the bubbles are inevitable.
That is easy enough in the case of a boiling pot of water: just turn down the heat. Though it has eluded the world, the solution to a world boiling over with the fire of anger, fear, and hatred is just as simple: Create coherence… build Unified Field generators. Cool off the planet. That will solve the problem of real global warming.
That is the only and the simple solution.
This does not mean that we should not have laws. It does mean that the laws will not be effective as long as the heat is on ‘high.’
Its not the fact that the solution escapes us. The true undermining problem is that from birth we are told what to do. How to live. Whats good and what is evil. The problem is we rely on the very same people that have taught us to do since birth, to make decisions for us that we do not understand. America is a great country dont get me wrong but traveling the world has opened my eyes to just how flawed our country is. Its sheltered. The public is kept in the dark on matters they dont even know about. And yet they trust the government. This boiling Point is a good analogy and turning down the fire seems to be a just solution. In Germany the gun laws are so strict to the point that hunting is an issue. Safe yes but there is the issues of knives and bombs. There is a solution to that as well. The polizie. There is no police brutality here and they are respected. Some even may say feared. Doesnt change the fact that there is less crime. But Americans on the other hand. Cops are more restricted by laws than civilians. There is the problem. Its not that we cant fix ourselves. Its that we dont want to. We are born into a life of laws. We are told whats good and evil. And then we elect twisted men into points of authority because of empty promises of keeping us and our children safe. Sorry im getting off topic. My question is this. How do you fix a nation that doesnt want to fix itself?
I agree with Maharshi and acknowledge that the flame is too high, also. The key, in my life, is a consistent meditation regime that reduces the STRESS level and expands my CONSCIOUSNESS. As a result, it filters out and affects my family and friends. What effect would we procure if a thousand people meditated, regularly, and had Maharshi as a teacher? That flame would be significantly lower. Maybe, you just have to be one of those consistent meditators to actual observe the influence and see the possibilities.
Great comments to a brilliant blog! There is comfort in knowing that I am helping to cool the planet on a daily basis ..even as subtle as it may be. Daily meditations-patience in public-allowing love to be my first response and sharing the availability of you Brahmarshi with as many souls as possible. We are so very fortunate to be alive at this time and to be given an opportunity to help heal our world via Mt. Soma.
Many times a simple smile can heal a strangers day.
Thank you Brahmarshi
“Though it has eluded the world, the solution… is just as simple: Create coherence… build Unified Field generators. Cool off the planet.”
The emotionally charged issue of gun control illustrates well, our collective anger and suspicion as a nation where we won’t trust “the other side.” Political, ethnic and religious intolerance profoundly demonstrates international strife resulting in dire human consequence. Oh yes, the list goes on and on. However this not the cause of our problems it is more the result. Our real problem is our collective responsibility to resolve. It is as Maharshi says, the elusive and simple solution that eludes the world. I for one, often feel powerless, sitting idly by, murmuring “what is going on? Things are getting worse” never thinking I must do my part to “turn down the heat.” Todays blog convinces me; I/we are not powerless and must be convinced. We can make a difference. We do make a difference, IF we follow Marharshi’s advice.
Jai Śiva Śaṅkara
The solution to not only this but all problems is the same one thing: awakening of world consciousness to pure consciousness. By infusing pure consciousness (the unified field) into relative existence, all is healed. It is like watering the root of a plant to feed all aspects of the plant. Pure consciousness is the underlying basis of all existence. It is the source of infinite harmony, peace, intellegence, awareness, health, divinity, wisdom, truth, etc.
It is as if a whirlpool of identity with that which is more superficial than pure consciousness has overtaken the world. You too are pulled in that direction. To live better, humanity must look deeper. “Heat” is generated by the friction created when identity is too superficial… lost to relativity. To cool the planet is to move group consciousness more deeply. Otherwise we are merely rearranging the same old furniture in our home, hoping it will make the furniture new.
To answer directly your question [” How do you fix a nation that doesnt want to fix itself?”] I say: Awaken world consciousness to pure consciousness, the unified field. The fastest and best way to do this is to build Unified Field Generators, i.e. Enlightened Cities. They will radiate the light of life to all existence. We are starting with one, Mount Soma. It will serve as a guidling light for humanity.
I think your analogy to boiling water is interesting, but incomplete. Indeed, there are several ways to stop water from boiling over. Turning down the heat is the best, long term solution. But, adding a bit of salt raises the temperature required for boiling and thus can prevent boiling over. While gun control will never stop violence, it may increase the heat that is required for destruction.
I was expecting someone to make this comment. Thanks for stepping forward. Note that increasing the temperature at which the water boils only increases the heat of the water making it even more scalding. But analogies only go so far so allow me to stay on point.
I do agree that laws are needed. But laws treat symptoms. They do not reduce the heat. They are not, in that sense, true healing. Stress in society is the heat that must be cleared. To do that, friction must be reduced. Friction is created by identity with the superficial. It is important to reflect on the fundamental teachings first. They offer a context that transforms ones understanding of not only laws such as gun control, but everything. Take care lest the essential point here will elude you.