Guru Purnima is celebrated every year on the full moon day of the Ashada month, normally in July. This year, Guru Purnima was last night and we had a wonderful celebration in the moonlight. The evening was perfect with a soft warm breeze and a bright moon. Some pictures from the evening are posted in the Gallery.
I am glad to see you kept your word to yourself from this night to blog more; it was definitely a perfected night to be on such a mountain.
Though, on such a night, there was plenty of speaking, mostly surrounding Gurus and the ideas and concepts of them, and evolution of their viewpoints and how they’re viewed.
I remember a certain story about a Guru offered gifts by his audience, who smartly passed it on to someone else as acceptance of the gift; but a gift given via reasons of elevation as opposed to empathy from the audience.
I wonder about that, and a comment my partner made about this whole story: “Some say it’s lonely at the ‘bottom’, and lonely at the ‘top’.” Oversimplified to say the least, and still wonderment about the alienation available in such positions.
I enjoyed your stories, and the amazing grounds.