What makes a flower beautiful? A healthy root.
What makes a person happy? A healthy essence.
Tend to the depth of your being first. Then the surface will be fed. Just as a healthy root is the source of a beautiful flower, a healthy essence is the source of a happy life.
By tending excessively to the surface of life without sufficient attention paid to the depth, life is starved of the very source of happiness.
Tend to the depth. If the soul is strong, life will prosper. It is in the depth that you find the strength, creativity, flexibility, wisdom, and intelligence to cultivate a happy life.
In this world today, the surface of life is the primary focus. That is upside down.
Spirituality is really just another word for the depth of life. It is not a philosophy or belief system. It is a state of physiology.
Last evening as I was retiring I was pondering the deeper meaning of spirituality, and once again, as if my mind was read, you have addressed my question. Thank you for shining the light through the facets of the crystal.
Thank you Mahaharshi for coming to the Bay Area last weekend. Though you were tired it was amazing. Clif and I are still wondering how we get so out of balance before class. We are both taking a new look at what really makes us happy.
Interesting synchronicity. I was redefining “spirituality” on Wednesday to someone who came to the public lecture on Saturday and found myself redefining the word all over again, avoiding all the usual meanings, not out of aversion, but simply because they didn’t work anymore… They seemed to really like this and smiled. I was then able to quote you or speak to the knowledge and it seemed to have something “real” and a spirited kinda feeling…
Thank you again, for tirelessly putting yourself “out there” out here!
By the way… What do you call that spirited effervescent edgy feeling that surfaces during the classes …? One of the public talk participants spoke fondly of you and said you’re bringing out the “Holy Spirit” as he called it. Sweet because it reminds me of my grandmother and a vibe I would sometimes get around her. Wonder if we’re feeling the same thing, but how do we know we’re referencing the same thing especially when it is beyond words ? What do you call that subtle yet profoundly liberating feeling …? ( I could toss out a thousand adjectives and they’d all miss the mark. ) Longing to stay to connected to “that” and I fear it is slipping away with every word… 🙁
Feels like “…the doorways, to a thousand churches. And resolution, to all the senseless searches…”
—Peter Gabriel
Some days I feel like I have stirred the soil of my being and I find myself smiling often throughout those days. Others I may dig in a bit deeper and spend my day radiating out appreciation for life.I like it..it fuels me..however nothing is equivalent to a weekend with Maharshi for rotor tilling ones soul Remembering the days of superficial happiness serves as a good gauge for realizing when happiness is being generating from the depths.
Thank you Maharshi for a remarkably moving weekend..I am still integrating.
“Have you ever noticed that an angry man can only get so far..until he reconciles the way he thinks things ought to be with the way things are”
– Don Henely-