One need look no further than to a mother holding her child to know that this is not a man’s world at all. This world is held by the Mother. It is Mother Divine that holds our world together, holds our universe, holds our hearts.
Sri Vidya, Knowledge of the Mother, is known to be the highest knowledge. The Mother is the upholder of dharma. She holds us all in her heart. She understands us all. She stands-under, upholds, all of life and the entire family dynamic of humanity. It is her love and understanding that holds us all with tenderness.
On this day, we celebrate in gratitude to our mothers.
This blog today is like “essence of mother”, and it is so beautiful
Wow, thank you for this today!
Happy Mother’s Day
So beautiful……
Happy Mother’s Day!
How fortunate we are!
Very touching. Thank you.
So beautiful. Gail has it right… “this blog is essence of mother.”