The following short video could be the most important one you ever watch.
The video is from
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before visiting Mount Soma in the winter. |
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, January 4, 2017 | Health | 4 comments
The following short video could be the most important one you ever watch.
The video is from
4 days ago
The Truth about Religion and Flatlining
"Take the time to reflect on what is said here. If you find yourself associating this material with things you have heard elsewhere, please take the time to diligently explore how they are different. This knowledge is elusive. I share it here because I have seen how much this knowledge helps people – the potential is enormous."
– Michael Mamas
"True knowledge slips through the fingers of those not willing to ponder…"
– Michael Mamas
"Take what I say and work with it to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than taking what I say and forcing it into the mold of your current relationship with life."
– Michael Mamas
"Evolution means change."
– Michael Mamas
"Your disposition is the tone with which you hold yourself, your cells, your psyche, your beliefs. More than anything else, it determines your life."
– Michael Mamas
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the topic of misinformation.
It can be and is difficult to change many lifestyle patterns and habits. This video is definitely food for thought and an interesting perspective for those questioning all the studies to date, attributing a plant-based diet to better health. Going on 10 yrs plant-based, I thank Jyotish for pushing me in this direction in 2007. It wasn’t easy initially, it is now. The plant kingdom is a rainbow of opportunity for an exciting and variable exploration into food and cooking I never imagined.
Jai Shiva Sankara
I read the book “How not to Die” for sale from the website -Nutrition A wealth of up to date information, presented in a way that was not dry and lifeless as facts usually can be but full of humor and very easy to read. For those of you who do not like reading from the computer, I highly recommend this book.
Thanks for sharing the video.
Yes, this short video matches my experience.
I’ve been vegetarian/mainly vegan for decades.
And while I understand that one cannot eat one’s way to physical immortality or enlightenment, I would like to preserve as much of my health as I can until this life span comes to a natural and timely ending.
I watched my father die of cancer when I was 13. I watched my mother die of heart disease when I was 36. Neither one was pretty. And those are two prime examples of dietary disease.
I love Dr. Greger’s website,
It provides a wealth of information on multiple and varied topics that is scientifically based. It really helps me when I occasionally get confused by some of the nutritional misinformation which abounds in our culture.