A dream is often a symbolic representation of the current tone of your psyche. For example, if you watch a frightening moving and then go to bed, you may have a nightmare. If you are feeling wonderful and go to bed, you may have a lovely dream about flowers and sunshine.
Life after death is the same, only it is based on the longer cycle of lifetimes. Tend to the tone of your psyche. Perhaps you can rationalize how you are thinking now, but after you drop the physical body, you are left with the realm that corresponds to the tone of your psyche… be it love, good will, lust, fear, nobility, divinity, or whatever.
The best way to cultivate a desirable tone to your psyche is to practice proper meditation. I recommend the Surya Ram Meditation which is taught free. Then after a few months, you may choose to progress to the Surya Ram Meditation with Advanced Technique.
The second important thing to do is to watch your thoughts. What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life. Cloaking poor thinking in humor or other rationalizations does not get you through the pearly gates. That is the place where all bluffs are called.
Speak the sweet truth, never denounce anyone, do not entertain negativity, avoid base desires. And yes, you can do that while remaining practical and realistic in your relationship with life and people. Embrace the high road of righteousness, good will, harmony, and peace. You will thank me for this, five seconds after you’re dead.
Do not worry, just do your best. That will be successful. Count yourself among the most fortunate in that you have this knowledge.
So increadable! Awesome, awesome blog!
We are the most fortunate to have the Grace of the Guru to be constantly reminded and inspired to aim high and live in the most gracious and noble way.
May we be graced with the courage and good fortune to remain on this courageous road.
Jai Guru Dev
Thank you dear Brahmarshi!!!
I might not be clear on an intellectual level why my body felt like it did while I read this blog however the vibration came from within anyway.What I do know on that intellectual level is how to facilitate what you said to do.It feels the same as it did the first time I heard your words Brahmarshi and it rings with perfect pitch just the same.
This is a great day for kicking it up a few notches!
Thank You
Thank you for re-minding us with the patience of a saint….
With great love and gratitude, Nancy
Dear Maharishi: I have to pay tons of gratitude to you. since I have inplanted to use your knowledge to teach my Chinese student, It has amazing very much reproducible results, the key is they are very diligently do their daily meditation, watch their feelings, do exploration, with trans gradient counseling when they needed. twice retreat a year. following your teaching and I have adopted them according to Chinese culture, and practice you will have amazing results toward changing yourself with trans-gradient integration for the better. no out to in stuff at all. come so naturally. This coming mother retreat in October, 8 of us is going to be at Mount Soma, to pay respect to you and Mount Soma. We have use your knowledge heal last stage cancer, depression, some other chronic illness, Chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.I consider the illness due to plenty of karma. this is the knowledge in the package to release people’s karma, only if they chose they want to, and willing to follow diligently with no pressure. Thank millions.
This is one of the reasons why the blogs are so helpful for me — you often remind me of something I already knew but had forgotten. Or, as M.B. commented above, I knew on an energetic level but am now able to articulate. Part of my karma is to be exposed to your teachings, and I am incredibly grateful.
You said, “Cloaking poor thinking in humor or other rationalizations does not get you through the pearly gates.”
You got me thinking.
Is this aimed at me? Since I am regularly sending out irreverent comics and comments on the Mt Soma scene.
I also know that most readers can identify with your universal themes and think that you wrote it for them.
I hear it all the time; your stuff hits home for a majority of your readers. You are goood!!!
I love humor. I put humorous stuff out there that may challenge or provoke the status quo.
Is there no humor in the Veda?
Is there no deity for humor in the Veda? Is there no humorous self-deprecation (including institutional deprecation) in the Veda? If not, then, disappointed, I think that I will have to move on to another more receptive Universe.
Until then, please clarify what is ‘poor thinking’.
One can spin off in a million different directions with that term, and it feels judgemental. Who is to decide what is poor thinking?
If you respond, please also offer the other response…..”On the other hand….”
Humor is wonderful, of course. But not when it harms others. Humor like all things can be used properly or improperly. Poor thinking is thinking that inhibits evolution. Simple. My comments about humor were not made with you in mind Charlie… but now that you mention it… well “On the other hand”, never mind. 🙂
After all..we are living the great cosmic joke.:))
Brahmarshi, I think that I have heard this line in at least a dozen movies, but this is what I feel, “I love you Man!”
Not to be elitist, but how can those who do not live here at Mount Soma begin to identify with what I am feeling???