The cycling of hormones in the body is an incredibly complex and intriguing science. I have read a fair amount from many difference sources on the subject. I recently found a book that offers an interesting perspective on the hormone cycles involved in nutrient metabolism very concisely and very well. It is called The Renegade Diet. If you are interested, a brief summary follows:
The nervous system has two aspects: the sympathetic (which involves outward action sometimes referred to as fight or flight) and the parasympathetic (which involves internal homeostasis or internal maintenance of the body). The sympathetic ‘takes over’ during the day while we are active. The parasympathetic takes over a night when we sleep and the body rebuilds.
Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates action, the sympathetic. It is naturally high in the morning. Insulin is a hormone that drives nutrients from carbohydrates into the cells of the body.
If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you first get an insulin surge and a lot of energy, but that is followed by a hypoglycemic crash when you become sleepy (think post Thanksgiving dinner).
According to the book, there are three phases in healthy eating which conform to the eating habits that humans evolved through millions of years:
1) The evening feast of protein and healthy starchy carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, white potatoes, etc.
This provides the nutrients for the body to rebuild over night. The carbohydrates spike insulin, which drives nutrients into the cells. Then the hypoglycemic crash occurs enabling one to get to sleep easily so the body can continue to regenerate all night. It is a natural time for Growth Hormone to be high, facilitating growth. This then is also the natural time for the nervous system’s parasympathetic phase. Minimal fats should be eaten at this time since fats and carbohydrates eaten together overwhelm the system and cause nutrients to be stored as fat instead of feeding the muscles and other cells of the body.
2) The 16-hour, overnight fast
This allows the food of the evening meal to be efficiently utilized. Growth hormone remains high throughout the fast, building the body. The fast also gives the digestive system time to rest and restore, rebuilding the enzyme stores, cells, etc.
3) The 8 hour daytime window to eat protein, veggies (for nutrients and fiber), and healthy fats like omega 3s, coconut oil, olive oil, etc.
This keeps the sympathetic nervous system ‘in charge,’ which prevents daytime hypoglycemic crash, thereby providing a full day of energy for an active, bright, clear, and dynamic life. Minimal glucose from carbohydrates in the system during this time has many health benefits:
• If carbohydrates are eaten often, then the cells become resistant to the spike of insulin post carbohydrate ingestion. This in time can lead to obesity and diabetes.
• The fatty acids in the blood are utilized as energy for the day. This ‘teaches’ to body to burn fat instead of storing it.
Too much stress causes too much cortisol to be released which creates abdominal fat and other health disadvantages. Coffee stimulates cortisol so a little in the morning, when cortisol is naturally high, is ok. However, coffee all day long and too much stress over stimulates cortisol, which is a problem.
Then comes the evening meal when the cycle starts again. There are many fine points involved but these are the basics. If you are interested there is plenty to read on the Internet. Many who follow this diet consider themselves to be on the 90% paleo diet.
One last hormone I would like to mention is Leptin. If you diet without a break, leptin forces the body to resist the process and you hit plateaus in your weight loss. Therefore, a couple of times a week, they recommend a fun meal of whatever you want… just not excessive. This actually speeds up weight loss and health.
So, there you have the basics. If you are interested you should certainly learn more about it before trying it out. Needless to say, consulting a doctor for any health issues before trying it out is wise.
Prior to eating along the lines of The Renegade Diet, I followed a more traditional six small meals a day. A takeoff on The Renegade Diet works better for me. The main way I deviate from The Renegade Diet is that I only eat one large carbohydrate meal in the evening, whereas some may eat carbs in the evening over a longer period of time. Also, for vegetarians, getting enough protein can be a challenge, but is certainly doable.
Personally, I find the whole arena of nutrition and physiology fascinating.
Thank you for the summary- it makes sense!
Thank you Brahmarshi. I have been fortunate to have the metabolism that I do. I have maintained my weight within 10 lds. my entire adult life however how my body is functioning internally has sometimes been challenging. I will be making some changes soon. The acid reflux situation can definitely ruin a great night sleep!
I have not spent much time thinking about how long I might live or even if I wanted to get really old.. well that has now changed! I need to stick around here as long as possible so I can take full advantage of what you are offering:)
Thank you, this came at the right time as my focus has been on what I eat and exercise. I have a problem where I wake up at 3:30 ish and feel hungry. I will have to see if it is because I am not eating enough protein or not enough healthy starchy carbs.
The idea here is that the body has a natural cycle that the diet should be consistent with. Based upon a persons goals and lifestyle [gain weight, lose weight, be athletic, be sedentary] this diet can be adjusted accordingly. According to this diet [they prefer to call it a lifestyle] it is, for example, good for everyone to do the 16 hour fast to give the digestion a rest. I do not claim this lifestyle is perfect, but it does seem to be worthwhile to explore.
Hi Brahmarshi do you really need a book to learn about a healthy life, like you said if your 1 with the unified field, you can tap in on evrything you want, plss do so. I trust you more, why i trust you more, because your enlightened, for me its strange to see you learn from others, i believe you have the knowlegde within you like you said sometime ago about keeping the body eternal youthfull and i quote
“Do I have all the details in a little book in my possession? No I do not. It is there within me and accessible? Yes it is. Ananda Mayi Ma [a great saint] said of herself that she is a small child and know nothing and also that she knows everything. I say my greatest cridential for creating Mount Soma is that I do not know how to do it. However, I find it within myself as it unfolds.”
So its strange to see you go from book to book like we do if the knowlegde for eternal youth is there than a healthy lifestyle is a babystep i would say, and im not trying to prove you wrong or something like that, you know what im trying to say. Better you wright a book ). Not With knowlegde not from scientific research what all those fitniss guru say and its always diffrent, but your book would be knowlegde from the soul, your intro should say knowlegde derived from the soul 😛
I remember years ago wondering why an enlightened person would ever need to wear glasses. Your comment reminds me of that. Not only the enlightened but everyone needs to find truth within themselves. However, it is a process. In the Bhagavad Gita is says that the course of action is unfathomable. It does not say, unfathomable until you are enlightened. There is much to learn from that as well as the fact that the enlightened may need to wear glasses and can learn from books. As I have said, you can look at life through the fixed eyes of your current world view and learn nothing. Or you can learn from what you see and evolve your world view. I compliment you, for I see you are open the the latter. I would love to give a class on fitness. I have a great deal to say about it. I will also always continue to read, if i see something out there that seems to me to be worth reading.
… still a small child… still finding all knowledge within… one facilitates the other…
Thank you for the replay Brahmarshi, but cant you make yourself perfectly healthy from within jesus healed people from the most horrible diseases, patanjali has a whole book written about yogic powers including health (samyamas i think) there are yogis who go without food, i use to think when your enlightened perfect health is a byproduct or you can make it so if you want, the bible has much about believing and healing. I like when im enlightened i can make it healthy true only breathing, is it possible?
Anything is possible Eri. However, you need to look out at the world and see what actually IS. So many great enlightened beings throughout history… some became very ill. The physical body of many have died. Each has their own lila. What they can do [i.e. what they have access to], and what they will do are two different things.
See what is, then refine your understanding based upon that. It seems you have been lead down a path of idealized notions that you cling to. Look deeper. I have given you what you need to fathom this. But it is up to you and you alone to look within and find the understanding there.
After doing research, in books, your blogs and lectures, and on the internet, there is so much new information I have learned about diet, exercise, and the metabolism of food. The changes in the way I feel and eat, now, is so much healthier. You have been such an inspiration for me concerning my health, well being, and evolution. Thank you. Jai Guru Dev.
Thank you Brahmarshi. I find this information helpful. Balancing carb consumption especially in times of change has been challenging.
The age old question for vegetarians and vegans, where do you get your protein comes to mind with your comment on the the chalkenge of vegetarians getting enough protein. From what I’ve read over the past few years there is protein in all vegetables, none in fruit, obviously much in legumes, and grains. I’ve read that one doesn’t have to consume grains and legumes in a single meal to get all the amino acids needed to as previously thought, as long as a all are consumed daily. A concern for vegetarians, and what I’ve read for anyone over 50, is getting an adequate amount of B12. I make sure I take it daily, along with Vit D, have have both levels checked yearly.
IMHO, I feel the Paleo diet is a fad, as was the Atkins. Carbs, the quandary of a diet, balancing, a challenge.
Thank you for the help.
Jai Ram
I hope the Xmas cookie decorating was fun!
Dearest Brahmarshi,
This has been a great blog, as they all are. I have enjoyed the comments immensely.
For me, it reinforces the fact that the process is “ridiculously physiological”. Now is the time to bring our awareness and focus on the physical, as we are absorbing and assimilating great changes in our environment. The laws of physics of a new age are being processed, and we must be able to carry them forward. Thank you for your patience and guidance through these trying times. I find comfort and peace knowing I am on the right path through you and your embodiment of the sacred knowledge. God bless us all!
Jai Guru Dev!