If I meditate twice a day to maintain (my energy,) where would I end up eventually? Is there anything else to do?
To which I respond:
Everything is born out of Oneness (Pure Consciousness, The Unified Field, God, the Transcendent) and everything returns to it. I discuss that process in detail many places (the manifestation of the universe, Darwinism/Creationism, etc.). Meditating twice a day accelerates the process of returning to Oneness. When you awaken to that Oneness, it is called Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is not a mood, attitude or philosophy. It is a state of being. When you awaken to that, you awaken to all the harmony, intelligence, wisdom, bliss, perfection, and peace that dwells eternally at the depth of your being and is your essence… who it is you truly are. You then spontaneously live in harmony with Nature… Mother Nature… your own true nature. It is a state of fulfillment… wakefulness to the root of all life and existence.
Meditation waters that root within you. It nourishes all levels of life including your energy. However, the root is not energy… it is consciousness. It lies deeper than mere energy. As the ancient seers have said, pure consciousness is the source of all that is. Every time you meditate you re-member with that source. It is what you long for… to return to your essence… the truth of the divinity of your own being. By meditating regularly, reuniting with that becomes a habit. As you awaken more and more to it, you live from it more a more, until you fully awaken to it and then it never leaves you. It is quite possible that you attain enlightenment this lifetime through regular meditation. But I can not guarantee that everyone will do so in this lifetime. What I can guarantee is that through regular meditation life becomes better, just as surely as by watering the root of a plant, the plant is nourished. Also, through regular meditation your life will gain a great momentum toward enlightenment that will carry you through and between incarnations until you gain full enlightenment…
The best you can do is to meditate regularly, read the blogs that I post, do not get distracted, do your best to stay very true to what you learn from the blogs, and if at all possible come and visit me at Mount Soma. The knowledge I offer is very profound and powerful, but it is also delicate. Take care… do not allow it to slip through your fingers.
I can honestly my life has become so much more enjoyable with regular meditation. Everyone wants to feel good.
Why would you not want to meditate. Being at Mount Soma just enhances that feeling.
I truly don’t know what I would do if I a didn’t have the Surya Ram meditation and sutras to tether me. The winds of business are blowing hard right now and lots of distractions are coming up. I could probably feel quite happy meditating all day long but that too is an avoidance of the life we were given. Thank you for the impetus to meditate REGULARLY, Maharshiji.
What a great blog.
Can you tell when somebody possibility to get enlightened is big or not?
And did you see students get enlightened.
And how much faster do your evolution speedens at Mount Soma?
Can you tell when somebody possibility to get enlightened is big or not?
And did you see students get enlightened.
And how much faster do your evolution speedens at Mount Soma?
I had the feeling those where gonna be the answers.
Only the last one, many many lifetimes thats incredible.
I thought maybe 2, 3 lifetimes
What an opportunity people have!
I focus a lot on actions, behavior, and propriety. I can get obsessive about right and wrong. Knowing this, I still want to hone my ability to discern… both to listen to my inner “knowing” of what I should or shouldn’t do, but also to be easy with myself and mistakes along the way. I guess that can actually be part of keeping my focus on the goal of my spiritual evolution, rather than getting distracted by judging myself! I’ve thinking about “not getting distracted,” which you talked about recently, and also about my relationship with rules. I tend either to be rigid, or indulgent. When I feel myself getting distracted (e.g. starting to spin off into one of my psychodynamic folds) I’ve sometimes found it actually works to “come back to the self.” I can feel the shift back to center inside… Still, it is a challenge. Can you speak to this?
…Or more specifically, could you speak to this balancing act?
Joy Anna
Joy Anna,
I will discuss this at my talk today… I was already planning to say more about getting distracted. People often ask what more they can do for their evolution… Number ONE on the list is to not get distracted… Keep a steady hand on the rudder. I will discuss how to go about it. As we say, the relative is sticky. Even among people fortunate enough to know what they need to do to evolve most rapidly, few can stay on track without getting distracted. I will also discuss judgement vs. discernment. It is not difficult to do IF you go about it properly. It is not about gritting your teeth and forcing things. I will explain at my talk today… too long for a blog. Please remind me.
Joy Anna,
Your comment brings to my mind an important point. I love writing the blogs and do all I can with them to help people. But there is a significant limit to what can be conveyed through them. People do will to come to classes. It is also important to remember that the subtle refinements of ones knowledge and understanding make all the difference. There is no substitute. Thanks for inspiring me to write this reminder for everyone.