![Improve Gut Instincts | Michael Mamas](http://www.michaelmamas.net/wp-content/uploads/gut-instincts-article.jpg)
Entrepreneur.com just published one of my new articles. It begins:
“It is remarkable to witness how undeveloped our ability to feel has become. For a time, I trained chiropractors to feel what is underneath their hand. I would give them a ball and ask them if it was hollow or solid. If hollow, I’d ask how thick the wall was. From there, I’d have them set their hand on a fellow student’s body and ask what the tone of the body felt like…”
Read more:
“How to Improve Your Gut Instincts”
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I think these insights are really important. So much of our world is rationally based, maybe rationally biased. And using only rationality is like ignoring our higher wisdom which must be acknowledged and tended if we wish to find truth.
There are a lot of sentence sequences I like a lot in this article, especially in the last paragraph – about combining facts and feelings.
An earlier sentence I specially like is “What’s important is that we don’t deny, suppress or ignore what we feel.” Life could be a lot better if we follow that advice.