I sincerely believe that if we all sat together and discussed personal and political matters, we would realize that we all share the same ideals. For example we all want peace, harmony, prosperity and justice for all. Politics has just put a harsh and passionate spin on it all.
As with so many levels and issues of life (interpersonal, community, political, philosophical, religious, even dietary etc.) the belief that seems to hold true is that the best way to win a disagreement is to demonize those with the opposing view. “We are good; they are bad” seems to dominate over a mature, balanced, and reasonable joint effort to move life forward. Paticularly in this election year and certainly regarding the current challenging jyotish, we do well to sidestep the politics and not get caught up in all the negativity. Needless to say demonization breeds hatred which destroys so much of what we all long for.
Speaking of jyotish, Saturn and Jupiter are moving closer and closer together. They will be the closest around December 21, which is not good. Also, Mars and Saturn are very powerful these days. So for the next few months we do well to put extra attention on staying ‘out of the weeds’ of conflict and negativity.
A brief look at the history of humanity makes it clear that we have a lot to learn before we can live, let live and just get along. Hatred and contempt is no way to run a world, a country, a state, city, community, or personal life. Perfection dwells deep within the Kaivalya of the Transcendent. We do well if we do not demand it of others…or of ourselves. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
I’ve been feeling just this way. I’ve noticed that emotions are running high not only regarding politics or in the news but in daily life and relationships. But I try to remind myself that the Jyotish is really rough and I just try to disengage and remind myself that ultimately we really are all on the same team, and we want the same things. Sometimes I seek to talk it out, but there are also times lately when I choose to wait until I’m more in balance. I have to say that picture warms my heart. If you’re in this picture, know that I love you and miss you.