I was asked about the concept of Indigo Child to which I respond:
Every individual, at the depth of their being, is Divine. There are no exceptions. Parents see that in their children. As my brother-in-law once put it… “a little slice of Heaven”. In other words, every parent sees their child as an Indigo Child… special. The beauty of life is that everyone, in that regard, is special… One with God. The question becomes: “How fully is that Divinity made manifest on the surface of life?”
As the enlightened age emerges, there is no question that more and more evolved beings will incarnate. However, the popularity of the concept of Indigo Child among New Agers is more a parental justification that their child is ‘special’ rather than the result of that movement toward the enlightened age.
Those drawn to the Indigo Child concept tend to be spiritually oriented New Agers. As a result, they tend to have a great deal of the indigo color in their aura and pass that along to their children. Therefore, those children do have more indigo in their presence. But the belief that makes them special is rooted more in a parental longing than a matter of fact.
All children are special. A parent need not worry about that. Yet the parental role should be more about supporting the child to bring that forth through commitment and character cultivation rather than attempting to rest upon the laurels of a metaphysical concept. The parental longing is a beautiful thing. My desire is not to make anyone wrong, but to inspire all to work with that longing in the most constructive manner.
Grounding and sweet blog.
Thanks Maharshi. I’ve wondered about this idea before. As a parent your blog spoke to me…it is like holding a bit of heaven in your arms.
As a man without children..I know that I could never truly understand the depth of love a parent must feel for their children however being aware of that,does make me strive to love the many children now in my life to the best of my ability.My very good friend Tish just had her baby and I have told my clients that he is my first…he is her husband’s second but he is my first.Even though it is humorous fun, I still feel honored that she allows me to say that:)
Brahmarshi..you are a gift for my evolution in so many ways.
Please explain what the indigo color represents and why spiritually oriented New Agers tend to have a great deal of
indigo in their aura.
I enjoy your questions, but they all require lectures to be addressed properly. Nutshell responses run the risk of incompleteness which can confuse or mislead so do take care with this.
Having said that, indigo is a color more present or characteristic of the higher chakras. But evolution is about incarnating which means integration with the lower chakras. Sacrum means “sacred bone.” People with most energy in the upper chakras are usually not integrated… not fully in the body… not fully incarnated… thusly the expression ‘head in the clouds.’ Some think of incarnating as something that happens at birth. However, it can perhaps better be viewed as a process that does not fully occur even by the end of a long life. Evolution means integration of the physiology. Physiology including the energy system, not just the physicality. See?