“The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self.”
I am going to give Einstein the benefit of the doubt here and assume he means the superficial self… the self identified with conditioning or programming.
Though that is the ‘self’ most consider to be real, the true self lies deeper. It is the transcendental self… the universal self. Though universal, it wells up through and as your own unique individuality… the Atma.
The superficial self dissolves away as you evolve… “liberation from the self.”
The last words of the quote could read “liberation from the self” if he was referring to the true self. To be more accurate though, the true Self is eternally liberated. It is only your awareness of it that is awakened (liberated) as you evolve to enlightenment.
Every step of the way the superficial self, which you believe is the real you, feels threatened – fighting, screaming and squirming. However, at the same time, the true you feels ever increasingly free, blissful, emancipated and joyful.
Which side of the coin you focus upon is up to you. My suggestion: go with the bliss.
Great blog.