Question: Sometimes I notice when I’m purifying a lot as a result of meditation that I become weak and feel rather ill. Some people told me it was because I had a lot of bad karma. Someone even suggested I was maybe possessed at one time. Please explain how this is part of the evolutionary process and provide any other comments you may have.
Answer: Most people have plenty of karma. In fact to not is to be an extremely, extremely, extremely rare exception. When a wave of karma comes your way is anybody’s guess. It can last for a moment, several years, or even a lifetime. In the greater scheme of things, in all of these cases, it is just a brief moment in the course of your eternal soul. It really upsets me when people try to judge another’s evolution (or the amount of karma they have) based upon a current set of circumstances. It’s possible to be a highly evolved person experiencing a major wave of karma in a lifetime. It’s also possible to be a lesser-evolved person that is riding a wave of good karma. To the casual observer, the latter individual may appear more evolved, while the former would be judged harshly. This is incorrect, and even worse, can be harmful.
Through meditation we do purify and that can be experienced in different ways – barely noticed, weakness, sleepiness, or even feeling somewhat ill. It’s important to know that it is just purification and not to judge yourself with ignorant perspectives. Most everyone on an evolutionary path for some time experiences periods of purification. In India, the impurities are sometimes compared to elephants. Sometimes they are asleep and sometimes they are stampeding. When they are asleep, enjoy the smooth ride. When they are stampeding, rest in the knowledge that you are evolving as the stresses and strains leave the physiology. It is certainly more pleasant when the elephants are asleep, but when purifying, you do well to maintain the perspective of how fortunate you are to have such rapid evolution, while the other people over there have yet to awaken the sleeping elephant.
In India, there is another saying. Don’t sort through the garbage. In other words, when you are purifying, don’t waste time trying to figure out what put those stresses and strains in the physiology. Just be happy that the garbage collector is on his way. Attempting to sort through the garbage is a task left to the misguided.
Very cool explanation…liberating somehow! Interesting to ponder this morning. Thank you!
I appreciate your clarification of karma and purification. As I have worked with your principles, I have found a healthier and healthier relationship with both purification and karma.
It is so easy to go into a negative place when a wave of either purification or karma happens. I especially like these reminders, “…it is just a brief moment in the course of your eternal soul,” and, “…you do well to maintain the perspective of how fortunate you are to have such rapid evolution…” Both of these perspectives have helped me a lot in difficult times.
I agree…liberating. I always liked your saying that “roughness” is just the impurities waving “bye-bye”.
It can be awfully tempting to judge how evolved someone is based on their outer actions and demeanor. This great reminder helps me abstain from judgment (as best I can.)
I was just asking myself a similar question last night. I was wondering how a “lesser evolved soul” can get a lifetime of good karma. I think I understand why an evolved soul may be having a wave of not so great karma. I went to sleep feeling like these things just can’t be figured out.
How can you tell if you are “sorting through the garbage” or “tilling the soil of your inner landscape?”
I always wonder when I feel crummy, if I am purifying or just accumulating more stress. I’d guess that depends on how frequently I’ve been meditating. 🙂
Dear Michaelji: I’ve noticed in the past 2-3 years (of pretty regular meditation) I am noticing some, what some may describe as ‘evil?’ thoughts, that pop into my mind. They seem extremely foreign to me. Is this also a part of purification? I sure hope so, since these pictures & thoughts are quite disturbing. For many years, I’ve been very careful what I let into my consciousness. No movies, TV, music, or books with such content, yet there it is.
Karma is like the weather. If you are a more evolved or less evolved person, still some days the sun shines and some days it is rainy.
Step one is to understand the principles. Step two is to then use your common sense and discernment to get a feeling for what you are doing. If you are confused about it, you can ask a wise friend for help… but first be sure they too understand the principles. As a basic idea, sorting through the garbage is going way out on a limb with your interpretation of what is going on… e.g. assigning with conviction a past life to the situation or obsessing over the issue in an nonconstructive manner. Tilling the soil is an art that is taught in the school and requires dedication and skill to be done properly.
Also, tilling the soil has a natural stream, flow, or history to it that can be identified to recur through your life in one form or another. There is a pattern to it that relates to your psychodynamics, to how you function. Sorting through the garbage (which is rather popular in the New Age group) tends to be fragmented, unclear, and more make-believe. Tilling the soil has value IF done properly. Sorting through the garbage is a waste of time or even worse. All to often, in attempts to till the soil, people drift off into sorting through the garbage. So if you think you may be too far out on a limb of sorting through the garbage, you may want to just scoot yourself in toward the trunk a bit more. Sorting through the garbage tends to be simplistic. Tilling the soil is realistic. Sorting through the garbage is often an attempt to fathom the unfathomable. Tilling the soil frees the psyche from limitations that have been imposed upon and so it can rest into its own true nature more readily.
Meditation is like a washing machine. Any and all impurities in the physiology/psyche are washed away. As we say, they are just waving goodbye. No worries.
The movement of ones life while meditating twice daily is like a stagecoach rushing to the goal. No worries if a little dust is stirred. The real movement is forward, forward, always forward to the Divine within.
The subject of Karma is still one I tip toe through. Although the fundamentals seem understandable..the workings are truly abstract and sometimes make my head hurt:)
A wonderful blog to inch me closer!
Thank you Brahmarshi
Your understanding of Karma really helps ease my mind and always brings me back to a peacefulness inside. Volunteering in the Temple helps me maintains a higher level of clarity and be more objective with the challenges I face, within my psyche, each day. I would be lost, without your blog support, class, and lectures, as those stampeding elephants are always on my heels. Thank you for your kindness of sharing your knowledge.
freedom from judgement about karma, what a relieving thought
Strength of an elephant! Ganesha gave me my first real experience of that in removing the impurities, the obstacles.
“It really upsets me when people try to judge another’s evolution (or the amount of karma they have) based upon a current set of circumstances.”
Thank you Bramarshi. This has bothered me also esp with my bldg challenges the past few years, the pat response from some has been, “it’s just your karma.”
I know that is part of it, but it surely doesn’t help me when someone says that. As, from my perspective in the moment then, it’s purely judgemental without any relevance nor compassion of challenges and of my evolution.
Leaving AK in 2012 was extremely stressful after almost 30 yrs there, moving to a temp “home” in a remote area of ID, even more challenging. I have, many times wanted to give up my journey forward to MtS with all my delays, but I have to remember Harry’s response when I asked him in Feb., “why me, yet again”, he said “it’s just another obstacle, keep moving forward, ever forward.”
I remember the story you’ve told of the devotee that was told by his master to move a mountain of dirt/rocks, time and again (paraphrasing here), that this could be me…persevere through the challenges and keep moving forward.
It may not be until 2016 until I’m there, but I will be one way or another. My chart isn’t favorable for much these days, but I am challenging it by moving, ever onward.
Blessing to all at MtS who are carrying on your/our vision, much love, m
Thank you so much for this blog. It feels like a relief and a wonderment all in one. Does Shravan Mas help clear karma in the world?
Great Blog & Comments!
Thanks to everyone.