“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” 

This weeks note fragments:

Fundamental principle of Healing psychophysiological Centers, i.e. Chakras: If you can feel it, you can heal it.

tonal quality of group consciousness.  influences individuals in that group.

Tonal quality of a people cultures a society held and conveyed through individuals.

how to feel the group consciousnesss..  lost art of feeling what is. across the spectrum of life

drive through Asheville, and feel what is there

so caught up in mental trips that lost art to feel what actually is… hand on healing, chiropractic, MDs, .

working title:  Fascinating Studies in Cultural Dynamics

working blurb: Ancient Secret principles in clear display for those willing to look

people are waking up.  the only question is how far will it go before it reverses back to sanity

rebelling against the touchstone

What “high class” really means

Meeting such a high class individual made me realize how far we have to go as a culture… Very humbling

Brings to mind the question of what that tonal quality will be like in the golden age

We all live in the same cultural soup

happens by proximity, TV, books, etc.

media boom starting with TV significantly and then expanding to internet, etc. tends to create lowest common denominator, but as people see this happening more and more, will become committed to group consciousness of orders based upon nature of their psychophysiology’s… I.e. people will protect their minds.   drugs are another major component resulting in people resonating with lower common denominator

e.g. when i was a kid, public school upheld a particular level of group consciousness but that has degraded with mechanics described here.

higher values of group consciousness include refinement, dignity, wisdom, intelligence, grace, respect, for others nd for self, humility, culture integrity, decorum, polite social behavior

Monarchy ideal: dignity behavior personal conduct

Fascinating concept of a monarchy/ Queen Elizabeth apolitical though Britain clearly did some vile acts in the colonies

Orange marmalade sandwich

Asheville NC in top 10% crime cities in USA.  could feel decay in group consciousness over past years

asheville is antifa hub.  People avoid Asheeville…  nothing needed there anyway.

mayor and officials radical left. 

what it really means to be “out of touch”

radical left mayor and city officials….   amazing how we could just feel it when we

Research in ancient Vedic technologies already confirmed on small scale

Power of prayer.  Group Meditatiton

Statisticly proven to be valid

Enlightened City ancient secret: Global scale

to become enlightened, become the highest level of paradox


Current Event Tidbits:

At this point if anyone doesn’t see the absurdity of the open border, limitless printing of money, turning violent criminals loose, etc.  Then they are just not paying attention

Bloated federal government taking over So many things they have no right to take over such as education

China and Russia’s plans for a new world order

Most dangerous words in the English language “hello we are from the government and we are here to help” RR

“Do you believe in God?”

logic, feelings, and cultural integrity

you can justify anything with the intellect and people do

dramatic drop in christianity… here is why

Martha’s Vineyard: It’s not hypocrisy; it’s ‘privilege’

they would need to send 28,000 migrants to Martha’s vineyard to make it even with cities in texas

Strategic petroleum reserves now the lowest it’s been in decades to lower gas price before election,dangerous, many problems including making susceptible to foreign price hikes/control

“All government spending is taxation” Milton Friedman. Economist

Bill Maher “Magic Moral Time Machine”

woke judging people from 100s of years ago

fentanyl leading cause of death in US ages 18-45.  Coloring as candy and sidewalk chalk. Intentionally killing children… underground declaration of war

Obsession on any issue becomes its own enemy

Arguing on merits not as compelling as smear campaigns…Caustic

Human Nature?!

MAGA  called right extremist, insurrectionist

Calling democrats far left extremist then

slander opposition:

tea party.. balanced budget amendment

term limit, power to the people

name calling politics

“Joe Biden is best business partner Mexican cartels ever had”  Marjorie Taylor Green

Presumptive negativity: go straight to the declarative i.e. gossip, etc. a lie circles the world before the truth can put on its shoes.

Once heard, can not be unheard

Guilty before proven innocent

No verification

The need to want to prove that someone is less then

Nobody ever apologizes

years ago when Louse Lerner was head of the IRS we applied for Mt Soma Vedic University and were denied.  My accountant could not understand why so he reapplied and we were denied again.  RACISTS!

Power is never neutral//human nature/perspective

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