All things find fulfillment in their own annihilation.
Emancipation means knowing you do not exist. That must become as self evident to you as your hand in front of your face. Even more so, because you can move your hand away.
It is called spiritual liberation for a reason. Liberation from what? Illusion… the illusion that things exist.
The world is virtual, like the image on your television screen. It is a fantastic playground and evolutionary schoolhouse.
It offers great love and beauty. Yet ultimately, it is seen for what it is… a monumental illusion.
Treasure it. Life is Sacred.
After coming back from the consecration, I took a walk around my old neighborhood. Everything look so incredibly beautiful and I could almost perceiving a golden glow. I don’t think I could actually see it, maybe I felt it. Now, it still looks beautiful, but it doesn’t seem quite as radiate. Noticing that makes me realize how elusive my conditioning is making that beauty be.