It is really very simple. When the body dies, the mind does not… just that simple.
When the body dies, your dreams become your reality. If your mind was habitually in the gutter before death, that is what you get. If you have been living in denial, your bluff is called. If your mind has been habitually transcending (as with proper meditation), you go to the highest heaven.
‘Just that simple.
Beautiful, that’s helpful.
Jai Siva Sankara
How does one know if ones mind is/has been habitually transcending during proper meditation?
I don’t want to complicate a beautifully simple principle and explanation, but since this is class weekend…
Could you explain how the Heart continues after the body and how is it part of the afterlife setup …?
“proper meditation” is the key to the highest heaven? as if there is a hierarchy relating to ones spirit or how one chooses to connect with the source…those who would presume to “know” where you go or how your spirit traverses the universe after the death of ones body are pushing an agenda. all is connected and to think your spirit would be pigeon-holed into a category in the hereafter is pure human foley…where do infanticidal lions go, or naughty dogs, or retarded children whose frontal lobes (responsible for personality and chronic thought patterns) are undeveloped? how about back to the source followed by a big fat “i dont know”. and please, a white jesus? if you respected the man then you’d respect his heritage.
Hi Morgan,
Are some forms of meditation more effective than others? Yes, certainly.
Are there varying degrees of happiness before and after death? Yes, of course there are.
The essence of every soul is equally Divine, but individuals are in touch with that essence to varying degrees both before and after death of the body.
I am not sure what your comment about a white Jesus is about unless it is in reference to the picture in the blog. I do not believe we really need to even say that Divinity has nothing to do with skin color, but I am happy to state that obvious point if that if it is what you are asking. Most pictures of Jesus portray him as white, often with blue eyes and fair skin. That is, of course, more than just a little unlikely, but I do believe we all see past that.
What those pictures symbolize to the artists that created them, and what they are wanting to convey, is what is important. We need to acknowledge the beauty of their souls as well.
For was excited would I read this this morning. This subject has been twisted,spun,manipulated and made so complicated and even tried to simplify (believe=heaven-non believers=hell) For me..It was refreshing to hear it straight forward and just that simple.
Thank you Brahmarshi..a little simpleness is just what I needed.
It is hard for people to understand where Brahmarshi comes from if they have no reverence point, which can lead them to believe his motivations are not pure. Morgan’s comment is a good example of the enlightened getting kicked around like a football.
Great play on words there, Tracy. Subtle.
O morgan o morgan i dont know what to say to you, you are talkin about jesus his colour im not white but who cares what or how jesus looked like thats not the point at all, dont spend time lookin for racism evrywhere you seem bitter dont turn into a racist yourself because of it.
Whoops, that was a spelling mistake, but it definitely works!
I really enjoyed hearing about this topic in class. I have been reading some scriptures lately and they talked about the different “hells” that await different types of transgressions. As I read, I try not to figure out what the heck they are talking out, but just let the verses soak in.
But then it class, it all tied together about the mind. About the hells. and the heavens.
Beautifully said Tracy and Brahmarshi. This topic is reminiscent of a famous Mark Twain quote. “It’s not what I don’t understand in the bible that scares me, but what I DO understand”
I needed a push in the right direction, and this was a good wake up call. Thank you Brahmarshi. Jai Guru Dev!