It is said that humans think only one thought at a time (though admittedly, often jumping from one to the next in rapid succession), while God thinks a limitless number of thoughts all at the same time.

Initially, that might not seem so easy to even begin to comprehend… at least it wasn’t for me. But think about it.

We (billions of us, not to mention birds, all animals, and even plants in their own way) are all one with God.

We all have our own thoughts (even contradictory thoughts… billions of us, as well as cats, dogs, birds, all animals, and even plants in their own way) all the time.

Limitless thoughts, all the time, and all unified… each finding its source in the Divine Breath of The One (Prana) which then interacts with relative existence (Karma) to create individual ‘minds’.  Prana plus Karma equals mind.  All our infinite number of simultaneous thoughts originate with the Divine—with God, and are then modulated by our Karma, to create our individual minds.

Photo by Joy Anna Hodges
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.