All these planets will be in a row (pretty much along a straight line) in the early morning sky starting Jan. 20 for about a month.
The easiest way to see them is to look to the southeast before sunrise. Locate Venus, the very bright planet to the southeast. Then locate Jupiter to the southwest higher in the sky than Venus. Mercury will be to the left (east) of Venus and a bit lower in the sky. Saturn and Mars will be between Venus and Jupiter. Mercury is always rather close to the sun, so after Mercury rises, the sun will rise shortly after.
From a Jyotish perspective, I do not believe this is very significant, but it will be a beautiful sight.
I had been hoping you’d write something on this. Thank you.
Found Venus – may have to try earlier tomorrow!
It’s a beautiful sight! Sometimes it feels like these planets are our neighbors, living in the next town up there.
Few days ago when Saturn and Venus passed each other in the sky. I made a comment: “Saturn passed Venus this morning!” Someone said: “It’s the other way around, Venus passed Saturn.” I guessed that it has something to do with earth’s rotation and the direction of all planets. Still I couldn’t picture it in my head. I wonder if you could explain it more. Thank you!
What a gorgeous display! I’ll have to look closely when I get up tomorrow.
Its fun to have this larger perspective on the world.
Thanks for keeping us informed. It’s a lot of fun to track these things.
Spica is a star?
Very interesting Thank you