Are you on a roll? Are you in a rut? Is it hard for you to get going with your life? Consider the perspective that your life is all about your relationship with momentum.
Long term and short term, your life has momentum. Your ability to get that momentum going, or to shift that momentum, determines the nature of your life. Create a healthy relationship with momentum and you will have a good life. However, that is not so easy to do. In the short term, you may know you need to get off the couch and get to the gym, but making that momentum shift can be difficult. Long term, you may not like your job, but overcoming the momentum of your current routine requires overcoming a great deal of momentum. You may be in a bad relationship. You may have an unhealthy circle of friends. These things can be difficult to shift. Momentum can be your greatest enemy in life.
On the other hand, you can be on a roll with your life. You may have a great relationship, great job, great friends, healthy and evolutionary lifestyle, etc. Perhaps you are meditating twice daily and have a healthy routine. In the areas where your life is working, momentum is your friend.
You can also look at your world view in terms of momentum. How open are you to evolving your world view? Perhaps you feel your current world view is what life is all about and you have all the answers you need. Whatever the case, the quality of your relationship with momentum determines the quality of your life. Evolving your relationship with momentum is what the path of evolution is all about.
Over the next few days, take a look at your life in terms of momentum. What is your relationship with momentum? How easy is it for you to make needed changes? How much of your life is on a positive roll? Where are you in a rut and where are you riding a wave? It’s all about your relationship with momentum. You may want to reflect on Aristotle’s words:
“You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit”.
Great blog. Thank you.
Definite food for thought. Some plod like an elephant (me), some run like the cheetah. I will never be the cheetah…but I can still plod on. Also I have seen elephants charge. So they can get going when needed.
Thank you for this blog. Where does the power come from to even take the first step to shift the momentum… how do I enliven that power or motivation?
Love it!! Thank you.
This has definitely been my struggle this last year. Thank you for the timely reminder!
Momentum definitely has a strong effect on me. I tend to have a hard time getting going, or I can just keep on rolling along.
This blog also makes me think about the momentum of our world. I am a little concerned out this momentum, but then again, this could just me the momentum of my mind playing tricks on me…
Terrific insight and very timely (as usual) with what is going on in my life right now. You always know how to say the right thing at the right time. Thank you so much.
Very relevant blog. Thank you!
Very interesting blog. I’ve read it 3 times trying to figure out how to apply it to my life. At first I wanted it to be an answer to my own stagnation. Then each time I read it, I started realizing how it applies to so many different parts of my life. One of them being, wanting someone to tell me what to do. : )
Great question. It certainly merits a separate blog…. or even a book! Personally, I like what Woody Allen said, “Ninety percent of life is just showing up”. In college, for example, I just went to the library with my books and THEN asked myself if I had to study. When working out, I just get myself into the gym, then the workout happens. I do not tell myself I have to workout. I just tell myself I have to get into the gym.When I need to do a big project somewhere, I just get myself in my car and then it happens. I guess the bottom line here is that the first step is usually small and easy. It is just thinking of the whole project that can at times prevent making that first move forward.
This is a very timely blog for me since I need to start exercising again. I like that you named different areas of momentum. I haven’t heard others talk about it that way before.
I was trying to decide which Michael Mamas quote I like best from this blog, so I’ll list both: “…the quality of your relationship with momentum determines the quality of your life. Evolving your relationship with momentum is what the path of evolution is all about.” Really great blog!
I really like the answer to Cathy’s question. It gives me a place to start… just show up. Thank you
thank you for your response:)
I haven’t thought of momentum in terms of evolution before and yet it seems so obvious once you’ve named it. It has me pondering patterns in my life from large sweeping ones to smaller ones. The shift is the most difficult place…
Determining the quality of your life with momentum….fascinating…great blog
As a long time enemy to momentum, I have found it much easier and more fun to have that ball rolling. My current job has helped me with that, even though a lot of mornings i don’t want to get up and go. I know its good for me, and i show up for this exact reason.