This morning I heard the news that he was killed.
My response was silence. I felt silence inside…. no significant feeling beyond that.
For me it underscored the depth of the wound the world has been carrying since 9/11.
I am not one who feels sweetness in revenge. I feel no joy. I feel a silent void. Right now I cannot say much more than that regarding my feelings on the matter.
My thoughts, however, go to the future. I look to see how humanity responds to this event.
It is all about people. The death of such an individual, of course, reaches much further than the pragmatics of his daily activity.
Revelling in killing – when will we ever evolve?
I was at the paint store today, and I couldn’t help but notice the TV in the background. It showed people at a baseball stadium, West Point, and on the street cheering and chanting, “USA, USA ect.” There was a sense that we had won something and it was time to celebrate. I am not sure how this response compares to that of the average American, but I found it most concerning. It seems to me that our economy, our country, and the world is in crisis. Complete collapse does not seem that far fetched, and here people are celebrating this “great victory.”
I am afraid that nothing has been accomplished, and that our military presence will remain in Afgahnistan, Iraq, Libya and wherever else it “serves our interests.” I am also concerned that this will be a polarizing event, and that relations with the people of the Middle East will deteriorate further.
a very deep question… more than may first meet the eye
Mr.Bin Laden will not really be gone for awhile because..unfortunatly..our media and all aspects there of will not allow it.I wonder how the world would have felt if we allowed the chatter to end the moment his body was put into the sea?
“Patriotism is truest when it is quiet, the acceptance of civic duty — never with childish glee.” -Richard Rodriguez