If you were at class in SF, please take a moment to add a comment about one or two of the most impactful, interesting, or important points that came up or experiences you had over the long weekend.
As I reflect on the three days, I feel there were many things that came up that would be valuable to share, not only for people who have been to other classes, but also for those that have never attended a class and wonder what they are like.
The most valuable aspect of the classes for me is the opportunity to be in the presence of Brahmarshi. First, I believe that the transmission of the teaching is more profound when the energy is close. Second, I have the benefit of receiving Brahmarshi’s insights into my personal process in real time, when he can see and feel into my essence as we discuss my questions. With much gratitude . . .
I think for me, and anyone else out there that is longing to evolve, the single biggest point of class is the importance of the Guru. Most of what I take away from our lessons is completely unspoken. The topics and subject matter are always great, and it’s awesome to think about how every little bit of what is discussed applies directly to me. But without the Master, the Presence of The Master, it would be purely intellectual. I guess what I’m trying to say is, that without the Guru, there would be no point. Or, the Guru IS the point.
As far as what really floated my boat this past class, it would have to be the topic of light and sound. Circles. Mandalas. It’s all so mind boggling. Forced oscillation is fascinating, and I can ponder forever on how that dynamic has shaped me. For those of us that have children, it’s perhaps a little unnerving to think about how one way or another our kids – fall into – “forced” oscillations. I guess I take comfort in the knowledge that whatever they happen to resonate with, they are all Fine.
I can’t express how grateful I am of the encouragement I take away from class. I don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s actually quite nice to hear how unbelievably physiological the process is. That used to really push my buttons, but now it gives me space to relax even more. I’m so blessed to have found you, and I rejoice in the knowledge that I am at least moving in the general direction. And that it will propel me forward for lifetimes, in future incarnations. It is both humbling and supportive to know that God is closer than we think.
Jai Guru Dev!
Every moment was loaded…too much at times to properly assimilate.
Your explanation of how disharmony results out of a Unifying coherence and harmony was amazingly deep and revealing on many levels…..
How something born from the Unified Field can be in disharmony with the Unified Field. If everything is born out of Einstein’s Unified Field, how could it be that something is out of harmony with that source …?
To grossly oversimplify your explanation: Disharmony with the Unified Field results from how clustered simple and collective systems (associated perspectives from families, societies, etc) do not have the sophistication or range of comprehension to view the whole…
…but more importantly perhaps was how you carefully stepped us into this understanding and explanation…also weaving in quantum units and the impact of forced oscillation.
This was/is an amazingly beautiful explanation/lecture…but there also seemed to be universes of knowledge in between the lines and words.
This time it was profoundly easier to connect the cosmic conceptual explanation to a personal experience.
I am always excited to start the 3 day weekend and do so without expectations..at least to my best ability. Every class has had an effect on me in one way or another. My overall experience in this class left me with a deeper sense of urgency to utilize the knowledge you teach. There were so many things said that moved me internally however the result of the class is subtle yet clearly apparent! The words do not describe this feeling however..I feel much less “of” the world. My deeper understanding of my physical life being just one reality has lightened my physiology a bit and I am loving it! Sharing my class with others has also shifted for me. I am much more clear on what to say and how to present it and that is because it is more clear inside me.
Thank you Bramarshi..life times of them.
The most amazing thing to me was the depth that Bramarshi embodies. That depth enabled resolution of deep seated issues within. For me, those involved relationship – – both with myself and the “others” in my life. The bottom line: I’ll never be quite the same again, at least in terms of my subconscious conditioned mind. I had a dream yesterday morning of cleaning out my garage. In my dream areas in my garage would spontaneously catch on fire. I had to try to find water to get them under control, but hot smoke filled the air. I opened the garage door, but my neighbors complained and I closed it again. Then I was shown an opening into a small room suspended in the garage where my deceased wife lived. It was like I had a choice to go back to old habits in relationship in that small room or allow something new and better into my life. The choice was clear. When I feel myself slipping into old thoughts, or even new ones, I find myself saying, “it is not that”. If I think I feel something, I say “it is not that”. And in that not knowing, I am finding that this “not that-ness” induces a psycho physical feeling of well being I have not experienced before. It is like the class is continuing to affect me for the better, even three days later. While I loved the experience of class, it is the depth that Bramarshi holds and its transformative qualities that have been there 24/7 both before, after, and during class that I find most interesting and profound. Truly a gift to be treasured.
That this stuff really works! Proof is in the pudding, can’t be explained, just experienced. Have a taste, it’s soooo sweet
My favorite part was the Saturday lecture, open to the public. Brahmarshi talked quite a bit about Divinity within each of us. His certainty and skill in describing our inner perfection seems to always connect, even with guests who are hearing Brahmarshi for the first time. As we know, every creature has some sense of their own Divinity. I believe that inner knowing is enlivened when Brahmarshi speaks about it. It feels good.
How I’m feeling after the workshop – smooth, calm, balanced, light, free, encouraged, strengthened, motivated, hopeful, grateful.
Favorite lines from Brahmarshi –
a) “Rest into your cosmic cushion of divinity”
b) “Take 100% Responsibility. You are the source of everything”
c) “The biggest problem in the world is LACK of AWARENESS and not living in harmony with natural law”
d) “You are wasting time. Humans have the quality of moving back to enlightenment. Ride the cosmic wave – the opportunity to evolve exponentially is now!”
Thank you for all of your comments. Although I was not in class in person, I feel I am leaning towards the high end of the circle with you.
Heartfelt thanks.
Class is always amazing and I echo that being in the presence of the master is a huge part of it. I feel like I’m encrusted with hardened clay soil and every class with Brahmarshi is like standing in a gentle rain that softens the soil, starts to absorb and water the seeds of my true nature that are buried within, and gently washes away the muddiness of conditioning and confusion. It’s a cumulative process.
There is always SO much to assimilate. Some of the things that resonated most with me this class were the reminder (and learning how!) to go with the cosmic flow, to not push things but rest into God’s timing, the reminder that everything we need is within, the importance of practicing discernment (humility in knowing what we see is through the eyes of our conditioning and things are not as they seem), looking at motivations. There are so many nuances in the teachings. I know much is taken in through the physiology by just being there, not just the intellect, which is a huge thing for me since I want to keep everything on an intellectual level. The personal processing and insights are invaluable. I could write a book and it still wouldn’t express the depth of what all is experienced at these classes…Thank you.
Most of what stood out for me about the SF class and Brahmarshi’s classes in general has already been touched upon, particularly by Geoff and Billy. Very sweet and relevant comments from everybody else as well. What I can maybe add is:
Brahmarshi’s lectures are loaded with layers of knowledge and he is unbelievably tuned in with everyone of his students. I have never seen anything like it anywhere. It’s just absolutely amazing! At the same time, I feel compelled to say to all the new or potential students: It is very important to transcend on a regular basis, because some of those layers are quite subtle and can easily be dismissed or overlooked (as I’m sure I have done plenty of times and will continue to.) Proper meditation really helps with that and it’s offered for free on this website if you want to learn it.
Another thing I experienced is that Brahmarshi is as if planting little “seeds” within me all the time (spoken and unspoken.) Those seeds then start to sprout once I’m able to receive a deeper meaning of what was said or otherwise communicated. Sometimes some of his words from years ago suddenly hit me in a different way and I’m thinking “Ahhh that’s what he meant by that”…and then it is not uncommon that even that newly found insight deepens many times further over time. There is so much more to say, but ultimately it’s like Matt said, you have to experience it for yourself.
We have heard this in every class, Consciousness becomes aware of itself and percieves it as other and cascades out…
I had never thought of the structure being filled with consciousness. I never made the connection, until the last class. In my mind it was a crystal structure … but not filled with anything.
Being in the class with Brahmarshi I am learning at a deeper level. My meditations are deeper.
I feel an urgency to move to Mt.Soman.
Meditation, Meditation, Meditation. Said over and over again, but such a key point. When I drop my body, I want to be excited and ready for the next stage.
Two interesting points I experienced in class: Brahmarshi talked about the location of the ‘will centers’ in the body. The word picture he used about an alerted Doberman and its back hairs raised allowed me to begin to feel where and how my own ‘will centers’ operate. Then he discussed Forced Oscillation. Again, his word picture helped me understand by drawing attention to the effect of repeated organ music upon a nearby wooden bench. Forced Oscillation jumped from an idea to the beginning of an understanding within myself. Being with Bramarshi as he talks about this knowledge is like being ‘In the Blog’ to the 10th power!
The greatest ‘take away’ though was just being in the Presence of Brahmarshi for this period of time. He offers a transmission so clear and clean and radiates it with such good will and Peace that I become transformed. It is for this gift, I thank you the most, Bramarshi. Thank you for guiding and teaching me. You have made a profound difference in my spiritual life.
Words can’t describe how valuable the classes are to my evolution. They are the highlight of my year. Thank you Brahmarshi.
This was my first class. It is hard to be specific about a certain aspect of the class that was most profound. I found the whole class to be filled with incredible insight, wisdom, depth and more. Since the class I have experienced new light, energy, awareness and more. I really appreciate your gift Brahmarshi , thank you.