A terrible storm that has directly affected millions… Yet so many more feel her wake…
Have you found it difficult to sleep the last couple of nights? Many report that challenge. Do you feel a tightness and trepidation in your heart, your chest and belly? You are not alone. It is as if, through the ethers… the akasha… many are feeling Sandy’s wake. If you are among them, you may do well to lie in bed, curl up, and allow yourself to feel it.
The hardship and turmoil of those millions reaches out and grasps at the heart of so many more. Is it empathy? Or are you an empath? Or is it just the shift in barometric pressure affecting the psyche? Or are you just purifying out old childhood issues… perhaps post Mother Divine retreat purification? Or could the visions of the ancients regarding this time in history be correct and now felt? Or is it a combination of all or some of these things?
If, in Sandy’s wake, you are feeling the discomfort that so many are reporting, you would do well to understand what you are feeling. The answer lies within you. It seems some I have spoken with do not understand why they are feeling the way they do these past few days. Know that is quite understandable. Yet one thing is for certain: you do well to acknowledge that this is a time of great transition and a time to keep your eye on the ball with a steady hand on the rudder.
Many say the upcoming presidential election is the most important in our nation’s history… a time of great transition… a pivotal point in history. Perhaps that is so. Perhaps not. Yet we must all come together in prayer, in longing, that our nation chooses wisely.
Our hearts are with those who found themselves in the path of Sandy and, of course, with all those suffering throughout the world. One thing for certain… this is a time of great transition. May we reflect earnestly, to wisely choose a course that makes that transition as smooth as possible.
To live better, you must look deeper.
Thank you, this is so helpful. I thought I was going crazy yesterday with panic attacks, anxiety and feelings of distress. I suspect it’s a combination of things, including unresolved childhood traumas that came up during the retreat. I told a friend yesterday that I felt a change, major transition coming on. Time to keep an eye on the ball and a steady hand on the rudder, such great advice and well heeded. Thanks you. It feels like a great time of opportunity for healing and change, and time to hold our country and those struggling in our hearts.
Thankyou Brahmarshi. I’m trying my best to facilitate this transition. It seems though just as the outer world is battling such great resistance, there is just as much inside myself. Dealing with these resistances can sometimes be very frustrating. I’m trying to find the peace within these frustrations.
In my humble opinion, the karmic waves of the times will carry such transitional (and perhaps transcendental) force that we will be forced to make far more critical choices than who sits in the oval office.
These men are not the real power brokers…they’re only domestic governors or managers.
I would still like to know their deeper and the full range of their motivations…
For me, this is a good time to reflect more deeply and put political leanings aside.
Your points have truth. However, the tone of your comment does not seem to be consistent with the literal meaning of the words.
That is a problem with emails. The tone perceived by the reader many not be the intended tone of the writer.
How we express ourselves can carry much more impact than the literal meaning of the words.
This blog really made everything make sense to me now on how I’ve been feeling lately. Restlessness, tightness of my lungs, and occasional tightness in the chest which i would just call heartburn haha but the constant thoughts I’ve had have been so scrambled lately, i can barely make a complete thought without changing my thought pattern a million times. This may be far fetched but my dog has also been acting weird, including tossing and turning in her sleep. thank you so much for this blog and putting things into perspective for me! My prayers go out to those affected by Sandy.
wow! Interesting to say the least…
So much is going on, and I have definitely been feeling an inner tremulousness along with an ache in my chest that comes and goes.
While Sandy has been raging, my husband and I have also experienced the passing of his mother. Just today I was wondering if what I’ve been feeling is an effect of that alone. I’ll keep looking at that, but I have to say I’m more concerned about this presidential election than I’ve been about the previous ones. There’s a shakiness to this that I’ve been noticing for weeks now.
My heart is with Nick and you.
Thank you, Brahmarshi.
Brahmarshi thank you for these words. I think back to classes and how you used to say “fight karma tooth and nail” and how one gets to a stage where they can work with their karma as a martial artist. I am absolutely spent. I am not doing such a good job anymore. I am ashamed to feel this way. Sometimes I don’t know about going on. Just sad sad times. I am blessed in so many ways…realizing that, with gratitude….Thank you to all the ashram /Mt Soma peope who are supporting us. Donna (Nick and Sarah so sorry for your loss.)
Very good point. I know you know I know this, but I am I’m thinking it through further, more deeply I hope… Thank you, Brahmarshi.