Sunday evening just after sunset you might be able to see Moon next to Mars with Saturn just slightly below them. Mercury will be a little further down near the western horizon and might be faintly visible as well. If skies are clear, I will be watching.
Then, on Sept 4, Mars moves out of Libra where it has been with Saturn for some time. Saturn and Mars together have been a trouble maker for conflicts, etc. It is good that Mars is moving along and into its own sign leaving Saturn alone in its sign of exaltation.
That is good information to have as I attempt to navigate through hair issues with the general public! It is really not that much fun.
You enjoy the people so focus on that… what you enjoy about it. Do not focus on what you dislike. With your plans to make a change, take care not to focus on what you dislike as a justification to leave it. The change will come more smoothly and more effectively that way.
I’ve read your material on mathematical mappings and enjoyed it (I enjoyed math in school).
Should I assume “mapping” applies here too ?
On people: Every time my business associates, partners, family or friends hear even a hint of anything associated with astrology, farmers almanac, tarot or palm reading, they roll their eyes and restrain laughter.
Yet, my grandfather and grandmother read the almanac daily, my great uncle harvested wild American ginseng (sold to Chinese) and other family members applied native American and home remedies for healing certain ailments.
I suppose some ancient arts and sciences have lost total credibility and others still hint of value.
Could it be that we are more open to healing arts or just willing to try anything when we are ailing? Is it harder to relate to planetary mappings having a real impact on our lives ? I also wonder if astrology, etc suggests more of our helplessness to affect our lives while “hands on” arts restore our spirit and will power.
I’d like to hear your broad and deeper context.
And back to this Blog topic: what does Saturn and Mars map too in our personal day to day lives and relationships?
I’m sorry for my verbose comments. When I reflect on your blogs a million questions flood my mind. I am fascinated.
Thank you for the reminder Brahmarshi. Sometimes I allow a little bit of the inevitable to slip in and I
forget to breath. I know how to stay balanced and so that is what I will do.
These questions all require extensive lectures to address. I would not know where to begin in a comment to a blog. You might want to come to a class some time. As I said to Roy, you too would be welcome to come as my guest to either the AVL or SF class this month.