Question: About a month ago, I saw Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in my dreams twice, once during meditation, and the other in the middle of that same night. The second time I dreamed of him, I felt something burst out of my heart, and a gust of pain went all over my body. Something like this happened to me a few years ago. Could you please explain what happened to me?
Answer: Interestingly enough, I had a dream about Maharishi just about the same time you did. We associate Maharishi with the Transcendent, certainly someone who is spiritually very high. It is possible that you had a moment of transcendence during sleep and the dream was a symbolic representation of the experience of transcending, namely a dream of Maharishi.
With such a powerful transcendence, a deep-seated stress in the heart could have been released, explaining your experience. Having said that, though we can’t help to wonder and try to understand what happened when we have profound experiences, it’s best to be easy with it and not even hope to have a definitive answer about its nature. It is enough to know that your heart is in the right place and you are on a rapid evolutionary path. Rejoice in that and set all concerns aside.
Thank you for clarifying. The healthy attitude really is “be easy with it.” Often time I see people making something out of the experience like this.
It is good to have another reminder to “be easy with it” and “know that something good is happening”. Both of these have been very helpful to me over the years.
Similar feelings when I sit in Surya class in my dreams, my body or mind unravels a little more. This “dreaming” often enlivens prior to my Mount Soma sojourns.
I totally agree with Rayshan and Barbara… being easy with whatever is going on is one of the most valuable teachings ever from Brahmarshi. He’s so right about wondering what is going on. I got myself all worked up a few years ago about something going on during my meditation until I heard him talk about being easy with whatever stresses and strains are being released. Immediately, I relaxed. It is all so natural- I love it.
I dream about you a lot. Just last night I had a dream I was in class. However, the dreams are usually so silly I don’t pay much attention to them. Although, I usually wake up feeling pretty good.
Beautiful, he has popped into my mind a lot lately.
About three years ago I felt an intense energetic burst in my heart and chest that spread across my physiology, I first thought it was a heart attack, but seemed to be something purifying.
(Lab tests were all normal, so something deeper.)
It seemed that my perspective, outlook, relationships with family, loved ones, everyone, all changed after that…
Speaking of dreams, why might I be having more dreams or I am more aware of my dreams while I am at Mount Soma?
Sounds like fun. I like to dream at night. It is more than likely just purification from getting some deeper rest. However, I do like to consider if a dream has identifiable relevance to my life. Usually you can tell if a dream is more than just purification. They can be symbolic mappings to what is going on in the psyche for example. On the other hand, they can just be stress release. But it is important to not get too caught up in whether they have a meaning or not. Like everything else, there must be a healthy relationship with it.
Yes when i meditate i have intense dreams i wake up like i have a hard night i see them as purifications.
I do not usually dream about enlightened teachers, but when I do, it is usually tied to some sort of turning point in my life or transformation in my personal process.
Dreams and sleep have changed significantly for me since I started taking Surya Ram Classes in 2008 and moved to Mount Soma in 2010. They have become much more intense and definitely feel like a lot of purification.
A number of course participants and overnight visitors to Mount Soma have also commented on this. In fact, one of the overnight guests last weekend who joined us for meditation asked about her dreams from the previous night being purification. It is all very fascinating to me…
Your blog appears a real spot to relax and go deeper; I love to have such people for fellow to talk the depth of meditations. I`ve been with J Krishnamurti`s teachings… he has clearly and deeply gone into intricasies of mind and dream.. it could be really helpful. See you now and then !!