Perhaps you would enjoy watching the following video. Click here to watch it. The second in the series is also interesting. I imagine the rest are as well.
Sociology is obviously a huge field of study, but let’s take a look at it from the perspective of Vedic Science. Vedic Science explains:
1) There is an underlying essence (called the Unified Field of physics, Oneness, God, Is-ness, Pure Consciousness, etc.).
2) All things (from the individual, to a grain of sand, to groups, cultures, planets, and anything else you can think of) share this same One Essence: “I am that. Thou art that. All of this is nothing but that.”
3) That One thing is the source of existence as it interacts with itself in perfect harmony to manifest, support, and maintain all of existence.
4) That One thing is the source of all the laws of nature—Natural Law.
5) When living in harmony with Natural Law, individuals and groups (from family dynamics to societies and cultures) are healthy, receive the support of nature, and flourish.
6) What living in harmony with nature looks like is not simple or easy to describe. It varies through time and from individual to individual, society to society, and culture to culture.

7) Individuals, groups, and cultures embrace a worldview determined by their level of harmony with nature, their level of consciousness. Thereby, they define truth and what harmony with nature ‘should’ look like.
8) A healthy culture (society) cultures the social and personal health of its individuals. This is done by supporting people to live in harmony with the laws of nature.
9) Harmony with nature cannot be determined through conditioned responses of individuals and the groupthink of those not living in harmony with nature.
10) Social laws and religious precepts are attempts to determine what living in harmony with nature should look like. As societies evolve, so do those social laws and understandings. Individuals and societies judge one another from the perspective of their own level of consciousness.
11) Understanding this essential nature of existence inspires people to be more discerning in their beliefs. Through proper meditation and discernment people can evolve. To evolve is to rest into their true nature, which is one with (in harmony with) Mother Nature. As individuals evolve, societies evolve.
12) However, old conditioned modes of thought, emotional responses, and behavior self-justify. Through such self-justification, even well intended people unknowingly resist that evolutionary process. Knowledge is thusly substituted by mistaken thinking, fanaticism, superstition and emotionalism. Anything can be justified by the intellect and at one time or another pretty much everything is.
13) Notions of Truth, perceived as Truth, hold Truth at bay. Humility is the flip side of discernment.
14) The path of evolution is so incredibly elusive, like traversing the razor’s edge or passing through the eye of the needle. Even the teachings of an enlightened guru and the wisest scriptural records of this world are taken, forgotten, spun, or even rebelled against to suit the mental and emotional states of the individual as well as members within a group–even an entire society. Thusly Knowledge slips through the fingers of humanity.
15) Ignorance means ‘to ignore’ (ignore-ance). In this age of ignorance, wisdom and discernment are kicked around like footballs.
16) As individuals in a society rest into the transcendental depth of their being, the society will heal. It is a process which requires time and patience. Progress is measured not in the amount of information one has accumulated. Progress is measured not in the degree one has modified their behavior to suit a belief. Progress is measured not in the degree of emotional gratification. Progress is measured not in how many years invested. If one insists upon measuring progress, it would be measured by how many lifetimes of wise discernment one has lived.
17) Only light dispels the darkness.
Another awesome [and this one is hilarious] pic by Joy Anna
lightlove blessings 2020
This morning I watched Crash Course Sociology 2 again. It is well worth watching IMHO: