Life is far more abstract and complex than most realize. The principle of mapping permeates everything. In reflexology the foot maps on to the rest of the body – the big toe is the head, the heel is the pelvis, etc. In a graph, a value of x maps on to a value of y. Mappings are everywhere and become profoundly complex. In Vedic technology of the Unified Field, objects in a puja or homa (Vedic ceremonies) map on to operators deep within the mechanics of existence.
The human psyche innately knows such principles exist, even though modern scientific thought has only comprehended the most superficial and simplistic mappings. Superstitions emerge when people reach for such mappings but do not have the clarity of mind and soul necessary to fathom such mappings. Imagine a life when these mappings are spontaneously understood and honored.
Today, most sane people judge themselves and others harshly for their affinity for such mappings, calling it superstition. You may even consider yourself or others a bit crazy for having that affinity. Please understand that the affinity is not crazy. It is only that more clarity is required. Such clarity comes through evolution.
Meditation and discernment are your most powerful tools. I have taught you how to meditate. My blogs, classes, etc. help you to cultivate discernment. Most consider learning to be the accumulation of facts and techniques. Few understand that true learning is the cultivation of discernment. Through discernment, you fathom the depth of life and existence. You come to perceive the profound mechanics underlying life and existence.
The world is not as you have been lead to believe.
…So I have noticed : ) It is a difficult continuum of moments as that Truth continues to make itself known to my consciousness…difficult in that it feels foreign, sometimes fearful, sometimes joyful, sometimes neutral…speaking from my own reality paradigm of course. This world is nothing like I have been lead to believe. Doubt I will ever know the whole Truth…but I can’t stop (don’t want to stop) searching, it is way too much fun! Yes, even the sobering and fearful parts, in their own way…
I “know” very little however I “feel” more than ever.You have taught me about those feelings and that has brought to me great excitement and a deep sense of peace.It seems the further I move along..the deeper the appreciation grows for this existence.I can understand why you said in class that although you know the illusion.. the love you have for your family, friends and students(not to mention all of humanity)goes very deep.I thought of our great actors and especially Johnny Depp.When he is in the movie The Pirates of The Caribbean .he may know it is only a movie however we clearly witness the personification of Capt.Jack Sparrow.
Thank you for that consistent and constant push!
Profoundly intriguing. This deeply inspires me to take a deeper fresh look….at my last deeper fresh look.
That is so interesting. It kind of blows my mind, as they say. It on a very visceral level initially brought me from a consiousness of the shape and form of my brain and whatever factoids I stored there and my intellectualizations and judgements…. to the outer stretches of who knows where. Jaia Guru Dev.