I am doing a series of talks on taking care of the physical body. Topics include diet and exercise and relationship with your body. They are posted on the main Gallery page of the site.
I will be adding to them, so if you like them, keep checking in for new posts.
I’d love to hear any comments on this series or suggestions you may have for another topic.
I have recently become interested in a cruelty-free way of eating. After reading and learning about the horrors of factory farming, and even the treatment of chickens raised in so-called “free range” environments, the idea of contributing to that process feels wrong for me. I am also concerned about ingesting the energy of these poor creatures whose lives were filled with confinement, fear and violent, painful deaths.
Three months ago, I became vegan. I love it, get to eat beautiful food, and am full of energy. Listening to your videos on diet and exercise, I realize this may not be best for everyone’s physiology. However, I wonder if you would comment on this topic.
Many thanks!