We have the unique ability to reason. That is a most powerful tool. However, when it is not rooted in harmony with natural law, the results can be unthinkable.
As a group consciousness, humans have yet to attain the ability to behave in harmony with natural law, i.e. with the Divine. As a result, terrible things occur. No contrived law of humans can control such things, just as one cannot hold back the tides of the ocean with a castle of sand.
The only solution is a physiological process – the process of evolution – to become rooted in the depth of our Being so that our cognitive awareness spontaneously functions in harmony with life. All attempts to function in harmony without actually evolving the physiology will ultimately fail. We must evolve as a species until we fully align with nature, our True nature, which is Divine.
Until that occurs, the cognitive mind will continue to be a most dangerous quality. Yet once cognitive function is rooted in the Divine, Heaven on Earth will be our living daily reality. The technology is there. Wake up calls are all around. Humanity will, in time, listen.
Truth… Beautiful and true.
You give such clarity…it feels like common sense…
If you are to drive wrecklessly, it is better to be in a childs tiny wagon than in a Porche. The cognitive mind is a powerful vehicle. You can justify anything with the intellect – and people do.
This was really the perfect blog after yesterday’s news. Thank you.
thank you Brahmarshi.
Thank you for this blog Brahmarshi. I woke up this morning and my first thought was to check for a comment from you in regards… The conversations with my staff and clients were much more expansive with your knowledge and insights to share with them. There are always opportunities for deeper understanding especially in times of deep longing for answers.
Living with your guidance has made life much more fulfilling!
Hey i have a qeustion about health wich ayurvedic doctor is the best in your eyes i really want your opinion, and 1 thing that is buggin me englightend masters like osho and ramakrishna they where not healthy at all but meditation makes you more healthy right? Like 1 enligtend master said enlightment can come as a shock and your body cant handle it like osho he turned grey really fast how did you manage to stay healthy? Is there some thing like a yogic body? I know it has nothing to do with this topic but i didnt saw health topics for a while so i just had to trow this in:) sorry
I would love to find an ayurvedic doctor that I could recommend. However, for one reason or another (some reasons may be no fault of their own) I can not recommend one.
So many people are reputed to be enlightened masters, but they are not. Please be careful whom you assume to be enlightened or not.
Speaking of auyrveda, there is a technique to identify level of consciousness via the pulse. After taking the pulse of many thousands of the most well-known ‘enlightened masters’ in the world, as well as tens of thousands of others, one ayurvedic doctor found only five enlightened individuals.
The spiritual arena is terribly confused… not only in the West, but globally. We need to clear all that up, though I do understand that in so doing we step on toes. All we can do is our best, but our best of course means to adhere to what we know is true.
Regarding health and enlightenment, there are certain aspects of the physiology that ‘open’ when one attains enlightenment. The ‘angle of entry’ is important. If they physiology is not properly prepared, it may not be ready for the energy of enlightenment and damage can result. In most instances there is at least an adjustment period. In some cases, that can be years. The techniques I offer allow a natural, healthy awakening. Certainly once open, enlightenment feeds the entire physiology with health. However, other factors are at work. Some enlightened individual need glasses. Enlightened masters usually age, etc. etc.
The best lesson to gain here is a big one: look and see what actually IS and refine your understanding of life accordingly. All too often, people cling to an understanding and reject what does not align with it. There is no learning there.
So, well done. You observed, and as a result, you refined your understanding.That is rarer than one may think!
Outstanding. I really appreciate every written word. Beautiful.