The subtle art of over thinking the obvious

and under thinking the sublime.  Intuition: the Vedic understanding, Puranas

Tid Bits:

Every 12 years or so, Kumbabishekam, re-inauguration of temple.  10 pandits, etc.  will be huge  3 days…  fabulous..   looking for date around May….  we are all very much looking forward to it.

Craftsmanship is steeped in tradition.

Far too many people lack the courage of their deeper inner convictions. Too many hearts and minds are blown in the winds of karma.

Simply say what you know is true I would’ve never thought that would require courage.  Do your best to say it kindly, sweetly, thoughtfully; but do your best to say it.

Hatred carries the inability to speak out feelings without losing one’s balance.

Jesus saves’ and ‘confession’.     What they really mean and how that really work explained in the podcast.

‘Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.”

The Counter Intuitive Culture:

Current thinking seems to be if it’s right it has to be counter intuitive.   Yet God knows it’s a joy to be simple.

e..g. anti-inflation bill, lockdown to prevent spread of virus, trans parties for children, cartel run boarders, CDC suppression of vaccine data, etc.

Counter intuitive can be valid, but only rarely when it is main stream. You know things are way off.

Your life is the result of the decisions you make, and the simple truth of the matter is the drugs and alcohol, are a death trap.    Take a triple backflip with a half gainer off the high knuckle board and who knows where you will land?

Intuition, The Vedic Understanding: Puranas, Relative viewing the Gap… remembering with Absolute beyond limitations of space and time.

Current Events

Fentanyl and heroin has made its way into Mexican pharmacies, as well as online pharmacies with labels that are hard to distinguish from a genuine pharmaceutical companies

some estimate $2 trillion per year in dark money…  i.e. unaccounted for in US feed gov.  That makes no sense to me.  is it possible?  Hidden gov behind the scenes with own military , navy, airfare, etc.  A full level deeper than what we have even thought of as the ‘deep state’.  

I am told that the federal government spent $6.27 trillion in FY 2022. This means federal spending was equal to 25% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), or economic activity, of the United States that year.

Rumor is that the plane that hit the pentagon hit where they were auditing the oversight of the money—tough for me to believe that one but who knows? 

Iran is one week away from having a nuke

I heard that the physicist, Micio Kaku admitted that he will have to rewrite all of his physics books post the Web telescope discoveries. Then sadly, he added that those pictures were not of galaxies but of black holes.   If true, I forgive him. I’ve said stupid things  myself in life.  We all have. Those were obviously galaxies not black holes.

Finally in the news: Lab really did leak the virus… no kidding, and what next?  2+2 really does = 4?

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