The Transcendent is your touchstone. It is the one constant. When it is not known, people cling to the familiar as a substitute. That is the formula for failure. It is not A formula for failure. It is THE formula for failure. It comes in many forms, many guises, but it is the same one mirage. Your portal to the transcendent is your inner being. All else is illusion. The Kingdom of Heaven dwells within. The Guru holds the lamp that lights the way, but the Self is revealed to the Self, by the Self and through the Self.
We do well to learn from history. All the principles of life and existence are there. Imagine the courage of the German Jew who left their home, their wealth, all that was familiar, to escape Nazi tyranny. To pursue enlightenment is to look beyond the indoctrination of the familiar. Transcend the familiar. As perhaps Ramana Maharshi would say, it is fine to have your boat in the waters of the familiar, but you cannot afford to allow that water into your boat.
“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist
Very true. Thank you again.
Thank you. I would comment that it is often my experience that familiarity is often a blind spot reinforced by habit.
I would really appreciate your thoughts. Jai Guru Dev
Wow, this is really a good one for me!
Well said Nancy. Familiarity is a blind spot reinforced by habit. It is based upon memory. An enlightened master once spoke of how the enlightened have no memory. .. meaning that memory in that sense is impressions stored in the chit… the mind. That is why the Zen masters called enlightenment the state of ‘no mind’. Familiarity, in this sense, is all impressions etched into the awareness… conditioning…. programming. Acting from there is acting as an automaton… no true freedom. The enlightened act from a level untainted by such conditioning.
Habit is conditioning. Blind spot it is… as it is not seen for what it is. Thinking you are free does not make you free.
Actions of the enlightened may not be at they appear. It is called their Lila. Habits for them are not really habits… though they may appear to be. They are free. Their Lila, their play, is just their nature… it is independent of mere familiarity. See?
Once again a timely blog that sheds light on where I get stuck on my quest to move to Mt. Soma. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blogs. I read them and it helps to stay connected with your teachings and the other students. Jai Guru Dev
Thank you! Much to be pondered.
Would you say more about what lila is? I would love to hear more… Thank you! Jai Guru Dev 🙂
“Courage…to let go of the familiar.” After living in AK for 35 years, moving, though desired, has brought up feelings of losing my sense of identity with who I am, have been. Many unknowns still on my journry East this next year. But, without school and your teachings Brahmarshi I would never be able to move. Getting there has moved from excitement and struggle, fused now with adventure.
I have said that many times this past year Marty.I feel like the greatest adventure of my life begins just around the bend. Even though it is seriously infused with the unknown..our “beacon” brightens the darkest of fears.
Thank you Brahmarshi
Joy Anna,
Lila… Every individual has their own unique nature. That nature determines a rhythm, a pulse, a pattern, a style, a specific theme or story to their life. That is their Lila… their dance… their individual Song of Life… all in accord and harmony with Nature… with Mother Nature… with their True Nature… with God.
No courage, no adventure, no life, no evolution.
You must live your life… and let the chips fall where they may. Being true to your Self is the path to God. The Vedic teachings are there as sign posts, lamp lights, along the way. But the Veda is only truly found in the Transcendent.
Go for it!
Brahmarshi, thank you. Every step towards my journey home to MtSoma, is now an exploration and though at times takes much courage to step away from my comfort zone, I’m excited about the adventure and my evolving life!
Ram, Ram, Ram!
hmmmm…”The Transcendant is your touchstone”……”the only constant”. For me, this is the treasure of all treasure. it makes me feel like dancing, smiling and beaming. Why? The timing….perhaps.
But mostly, the simplicity!! Such a gem to hold while I navigate myself to my Self. So sweet. Effortless, really. I am having a good time tacking, tacking, tacking. Quietly, quietly. And loving it. Just noticing when I get off track and with a gentle nudge, reconnecting using this phrase as my anchor.
Quite remarkable since generally, I think attaining anything of value has got to be difficult!! I am certain you have said “The Transcendant is your touchstone” before but I didn’t hear it until now.
I used the term “Transcendent” today. I was asked why this term instead of “God”. Can you address this, please. The implication was that there appears to be a certain amount of arrogance in renaming……that it must be an “insider” term…etc.
How do lila and dharma relate and differ? They both seem to have to do with where/when we’re “in our groove”… Dharma is the realm/area… WHAT it looks like in our lives when we are in harmony Life (how that manifests), and Lila is the rhythm of that? Could you give an example? Thanks. I love this topic. It feels good to think about.
These are all very eye opening comments, beautiful conversation! My question is, how does someone even find their dharma or recognize their lila?
Joy Anna,
In the purest sense, Dharma is Lila. However, dharma is often used in a more relative sense where people can be doing their dharma to varying degrees before enlightenment. Lilia is a term usually reserved for the Divine play of the Gods. Or Veda Lila for example is the ‘play’ of the Absolute.
I have a little book out called the Dharma Sutras dedicated to finding your dharma. It is, in a nutshell, about finding your way along the path to your dharma. what to align with and what to avoid. Your dharma is your true nature put into action.
The term ‘God’ has so many connotations… also so many levels of understanding. The term transcendent can assist in developing a deeper understanding of life, creation,… God. Arrogance would be thinking there is nothing more you can learn about God. Humility includes the willingness to look from new and different angles in order to deepen and evolve your current understanding. As one evolves, there are certain stages where the term Transcendent lends itself better to taking the next step forward toward God.
Brahmarshi, as I have discussed in past comments, I have been exploring Christianity in an academic setting recently. While I have deep traditions from my youth in this faith, the last ten years have led to self discovery and awareness of a different kind, an eastern approach and Vedic approach influenced in the most part from the stimulus of your teaching. Now, in an attempt to gain a better understanding of Christianity, I question, am I following my dharma? or falsely creating a reality that no longer is in tune with my true nature? I heard something in regards to a dual nature of our brain that says “What the thinker thinks, the prover proves” meaning we often attract things that give proof to or support to a preconceived notion that we presuppose is our reality, or a reality we desire. It is so easy to get caught up in thinking, or doing, or wanting to know, to know that I know. It’s like at any point our thoughts or notions take us down a path that we don’t even realize we are going on. Then, in moments of atunement, I feel like I’m just creating this big story of a journey that is not necessary. Haha, we’ll maybe if you explain this to me a 100 more times I’ll get closer. In terms of school, we’ll see, I reserve the right to change my mind :), The process is at very least creating a lot of self reflection.
Thanks for listening,
Religion has one foot in spirituality and the other foot in cultural tradition. Both things are important. Spirituality is eternal, but the way it is communicated must change eternally to interface with the mentality of the people of that time. We now live in a rational time. Though some feel that is bad for spirituality, it is actually good. The rational mind can purify out superstition and deepen ones understanding of spirituality … if it is used properly. All too often, people reject spirituality when an aspect of it does not seem rational. If they applied that to science, they would have rejected science a long time ago. No! We must evolve our understanding of everything and the rational mind offers a powerful tool to do that. Ultimately all has to make sense. I feel that is what I offer the world… a spirituality that satisfies all aspects of ones life… heart, mind, soul. Unification, not isolation.
When it comes to the path you choose, you must ask yourself what your deepest longing is. That can not be determined with just the mind or just the heart. It is a heart/mind/soul purpose. Ask yourself what it is you really believe in. What do you really really want? The answer is never 100% clear… or if it is, it continues to evolve over time. Just have the courage to step in the direction that feels most right and keep going. … just like a sail boat, you tack. Too many people freeze because they want to set the sail of their life one time and have the boat carry them to their destination. Life does not work that way. Your lifes path is not a straight line.
Thank you so much for your guidance. Through this whole process I have to say I feel more at peace and better able to listen and feel the life experience as it flows by. This is undoubtedly a reflection of your teaching. My whole being holds such reverence to the devotional and evolutionary aspect of life. Rationally reflecting on all of this is most important because of my role and influence as a husband and father. That definitely adds to the importance I place on such choices I make in life. Anyway, this is all a lot to ponder, and the way of the sail boat has helped me greatly over the years. I feel your influence daily and I know there is no coincidence in that. I have set my intention on a trip with my wife and daughter to Mount Soma to see you. Most likely in the spring. It is a blessing to be able to communicate with you like this.
God bless,
Such an amazing blessing!
Thank you