My youngest heard me comment that through the feeling in the house you can easily come to know the people that are living there. She asked me to write a blog about it.
Home – Om – Womb. The Self manifests on many levels. What’s on the inside is reflected by what’s on the outside.
Because you live in your home so much of the time, that correlation, that reflection becomes very tangible, very concrete, and precipitates out into physical and energetic levels in a very direct sense.
If you walk into a home, be attentive to the feeling and you will get a feel for the person living there. You would do well to look at your own living space in that regard. By adjusting the living space, the outside can influence the inside. It goes both ways. That said, it is not as easily done as one may think.
A rigid person may look at a home and say, “It’s not orderly enough.” They then create so much order that it causes a tension in their being. Someone else of a more relaxed nature could look at that same home and say, “Oh, I am too messy”, or they may say “Oh, it feels too tight”.
So – is it your issues and conditioning that’s assessing your house, or is it coming from a deeper level? Is it the truth, a truth that you’re discovering?
This can be a very good arena for reflection. Pay attention when you walk into other people’s homes. What does it feel like? What’s the experience? Then, when you walk into your own living space, you may have more of a reference frame to base your assessment on.
This is not to be done as a judgment of the people or yourself. It is a tool for exploration. The exploration in and of itself facilitates the self-normalization process.
Sometimes a little bit of incense can go a long way.
Thank you. I love these thoughts about homes. It so relates to my life just now. My mother died just before Christmas, my father moved into a care home shortly afterwards. I am slowly cleaning up their home to ready it for sale, a huge task. My father and mother are/were both eccentric and troubled in how they related to others and to the world. In the later decades they kept a lot, were not clean or organized. I am amazed at how there can be in one drawer items from different people, varied time periods along with odd bits of saved objects, all tossed together. It defies explanation, it is a wonder. It is a universe of its own. I had feelings that I could clean the craziness out of the house as I cleaned, organized and threw out the accumulated stuff. It is like I am caring for the house that needed love as I deal thoughtfully with this cleaning process. That it really isn’t about this stuff at all, it is the feelings and needs that brought it to the house. Maybe through this process I am dealing with this stuff for an effect -way beyond the physical, therapy on many levels.