my unedited podcast notes:
Decorum’s thin crust on the volcano of global stress
From the individual level, to government, to national to global level: heal the source not just the symptoms. News and Governments just look at the symptoms… like painting the leave of a wilting plant green.
world gone mad: phase transition on the brink
When the physiology is sufficiently refined gut instinct, surpasses other sources of knowledge. But global stress compromises hope of such refinement.
Stress, pollution, permeates everything not just an individual psyche, but the psyche of group consciousness, and even the atmosphere the plants, the earth, the weather, stress pollution is a thing of material that concepts, the works of everything on all levels of life. Just like poluted water in a fish bowl effects everything in it. That is the salient point to all the worlds conflicts and problems, but it is never identified by the public or by the media or governments or scientists. They’re missing the main point . we can not only understand it from ancient Vedic knowledge, but through Vedic technology we also are given the methodology to purify out that stress, that pollution.
The pollution of stress is a material. It’s substance It’s a thing. it’s a dross.
Some peoples psyches are weak in one area or another that makes them more susceptible to that dross in the environment
Earth Changes?
Canada compass is going crazy in LA during the earthquake etc.
Younger Dryas impact event 11-12k years ago ended last ice age from impact event in Canada raising sea level 3-4 hundred feet almost instantaneously
The time of the Younger Dryas event coincides with the believed destruction of Atlantis
Ancient Aliens show attributes so much to ETs but still very good information if not all attributable to UFOs.
Ancient cultures with technological advancements far be on ours, but in a totally different direction, have been wiped out due to such cataclysms throughout the ages the ancient legends Vedic, and otherwise. We have been given accounts of those cultures but usually people cannot accept them simply because the technologies were so different.. so people today view them as unimaginable. But it is in the ancient history of so many cultures.
Pole Shift = Phase Transition?
changing of the pole events that have caused cataclysms, causing huge tsunami‘s earthquakes, and volcanic eruption’s
Tyre Nichols. Difficult to believe but also well documented that it happens not only on individual level but even on governmental level, national level, global level
I just have to try to fathom what were the cops thinking what was their motivation? Why would they do that?
Global Warming Issue
Cows grazing is actually good for the environment. Nurture is the soil. Fertilize the soil improves the global warming situation.
Define ‘classified documents’ i.e. what makes them de-classified, Trump, Biden, Clinton, no doubt Obama and many more. e.g. federal gov computers… no doubt ridiculous
Fiasco: Directv dropped oann.com that’s One American News. so post Newsmax issue, i searched OAN: the title of a heading reads the earths core stopped rotating the earths core, which is approximately 1800 miles below. The surface of the Earth has seemingly stopped rotating and my nail be reversing rotation.
we took a good bit of criticism for things we said about covid, etc. we have proven right as we will be about more things. but thosr who left will never admit they were wrong nor return. such is they
we need to face the state of human mentality.
pfizer video… recorded executive saying they are researching more violent viruses to make money on vaccines, etc.
Google almost immediately deletes candid interview with Pfizer executive
Mike Pompeo… ‘never give an inch’ governors meeting .. not interested until he said the Chinese had a file on every governor.
RICO act racketeering, abused… use to target political opponents
Totalitarianism as an ideal, and how to attain it
Breed fear, hate, division, climate change, indoctrination of children, etc.
Their greatest asset is that people can not believe that anyone could be that heartless and depraved and thereby accept their manipulations as truth [call it conspiracy theory]
Federal court judge had no idea what the articles of the constitution said when questioned by Senator John Kennedy [“Power does not change you, it unmasks you.
“] John Kennedy]
Former Polish defense minister states that Putin said he wants to dominate all of Europe and keep the United States out of Europe
European union putting bugs in food bread, pasta, and drinks and chocolate. Some say that will be coming to America soon
Peoples intuitive felt sense knows better because the energetics of eating bugs is pitiful but science isn’t that subtle.. can justify anything with intellect.
The truth about Angkor Wat… well could have started as Enlightened City but lost their way.
“keep yourself to yourself otherwise people will get over on you” from Dean Martins family village heritage
Horrific indoctrination of our children
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Thanks for turning us on to oann.com. Enjoyed my first read there.
Pole shift in was interesting in this podcast.