It always annoys me to hear theologians on television debate things like creationism. I just saw this again.
When will the world understand the notion of multiple realities?! There are an infinite number of equally valid slices through the same one pie. Each tells its own story. Western science, Yin/yang theory, 5 elements…. there is no end to it.
This is not to say that all perspectives are correct. It is possible to be just plain wrong. But the interconnected nature of existence affords an infinite number of angles of approach. You are you and I am me. We are separate. at the same time, we are both the same one thing, The Unified Field. We are One. Two valid realities. Newton, Einstein, on and on.
If people took a step back to understand the big picture first, they would stop fighting to defend their little picture.
We live in a reality continuum. Why is that so difficult to grasp?
I have 100% understand your sufferring and sharing with you very much, I am against almost all the Chinses idea of cultivation, rational spirituality, where is the light for most of them to get it? where is multiple reality to be understood. to be respected. Well, I did the best i can. thanks for the support with the existense of Mount soma.
I think a lot of people have never heard of this principle. They might even embrace it if they knew about it.
It’s kind of like being colorblind and becoming aware of and recognizing the different values of light to understand it isn’t all just the same gray.
We know that all people are certainly not created equal in the physical. So is it that some (or many) simply cannot open their minds enough to hear? The conditioning simply is too dense. I share some of the most fundamental knowledge with some that are close to me and many times I receive blank stares in return. I do allow a lot of room for humility because I have no misconceptions of my role as a student for the rest of this life time. It just seems as though it is much too foreign for some.. almost like a complete other language.
Thank you for your unbelievable patience Bramarshi
It is interesting to me that alongside this conversation is a photograph of pokeweed. Poke is highly toxic–the seeds in the berries, if chewed, are poisonous. (Other portions of the plant are toxic as well). On the other hand, certain portions of this plant, if taken in certain ways with knowledge, understanding, and caution, and listening to the bodies own signs of its limits, can be a stimulant to the body’s system and is a folk remedy to fighting cancer. It is also both a weed that can take over and be difficult to get rid of, and a strikingly beautiful, magestic-looking plant! (Until it looks scraggly.)
I greatly appreciate all the comments. They enrich this website so much. They also let me know that people out there are still reading the blogs! 🙂
Joy Anna’s comments about pokeweed are fascinating. Everything maps.
When I was about 10 years old I built a fire in the yard and cooked poke berries in a cast iron pot. Then I dyed cloth with it. I was pretending to be an Indian.