When radar showed the incoming attack to Pearl Harbor, the directive came back:
“Don’t worry about it.”
What you think, you become.
Do take care, for the following words reveal your destiny:
“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.
My father always said that… and I think I am fine.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~–Margaret Thatcher
The key words feel to me to be “watch” and “don’t worry about it”. Taking notice of my internal process and those words that come up, sometimes I do feel worried about it when negating thoughts seem to take precedence. I think I’m holding some kind of notion that it’s just not normal to feel and think dark thoughts when the normalcy bias is skewed towards having a sunny disposition. . The photo is so appropriate, like a hawk I am so alert to pounce on that tiny dead thing inside of me. All those thoughts are coming to the surface to be purified out. I will sit and meditate and be easy with myself.
Thank you Brahmarshi!
I know you well enough to know that what you write about here is very much cutting edge for your personal process. There is some sorting out to be done here for sure. I congratulate you. When i next see you in a class, you may want to bring it up. I believe that I could help you with it.
Good job, Charlotte.
I’ve been thinking about commenting on this blog for a couple of days now, mainly because it feels very relevant to me. But I’m not sure what to say other than that it touched something in me that I’m still working with and it feels better not to nail it down yet — and I’m not even past the first 3 lines of the quote:
“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits…”
This is pure fertile ground for exploration for me. Great blog, thank you!
You seem to be very pure of heart. Beautiful. For me, I struggle to connect the dots often times and try to simplify what people are saying. My intellectual superiors think I’m quaint, uncouth and unappreciative of their rhetorical skills. In this quote I guess the Iron Lady had to lay it all out for her audience. The British can be that way it seems. They kind of trap you with their detailed complex thinking. I am a simple person I guess. In this case, I find it easier to tell myself, “Thoughts…become Destiny” and let the intellectual superiors work out the prose.
These last two blogs are beautiful, and very related for me. I distress myself trying to resolve my confusion and questions with my intellect. While I know the intellect is a good tool and it’s important to examine things, it is only the transcendent that can make sense of it all. Unless thinking is tempered with meditation and resting into God, into our true nature, it can lead to unproductive thoughts, if not harmful thoughts. I so appreciate the comments about support of nature being in God’s time and being easy with it. I’m not a patient person but I keep getting the message I need to be patient and just keep moving forward and things will resolve in time. Thank you.
Hi Eli,
Thanks for your sweet comment. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness behind it. I do think, however that there is a difference between a simple approach and a simplistic approach. If you’re not careful the latter can easily cause you to miss out on the essence and/or deeper layers of wisdom in the process. You should join class some time. I think you would love it!
Thank you Marion! You have inspired me to definitely visit Mount Soma and attend a class or something.