“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Einstein
Passionate curiosity is one of an infinite number of forms of the force of gravitation taking separation to oneness. It is the longing to know God. It is love. These are all the same thing…. the only force in the universe.
The illusion of separation resolves in wholeness. Through the process of that resolution, oneness explores the grandeur of its own nature.
There is a secret teaching that: the seemingly bitter longing for God and Guru is, in fact, the very presence of the beloved. Yours is a much clearer and more useful description of that sacred interplay, I think.
When words are translated and repeated without a full understanding of the meaning, over time the meaning becomes more and more detached from the words. This is why the knowledge is lost over time. Knowledge is not contained in books… in words. Knowledge only dwells in the awareness of the enlightened.
Yet so many spiritual devotees cling with great devotion to the words. Their intent may be heartfelt and sincere, but the result is the loss of the teachings… generation after generation.
Yet Mother Nature feels that strain in the world. That strain compels nature to provide one to come who revives the true understanding of the words. This is a mechanic. It is a law of the science of existence. It is action and reaction on a cosmic level. Yet that cosmic principle is straightforward and scientific, just as bending a stick causes a tension to be created that in time compels the stick to spring back. This is the history of life in a nutshell. The actors may change. The principle does not.